Best Practices for Compose-managed Python Apps

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It can be tricky to get your multi-tier Python application up and running deterministically for development. Managing the versions, dependencies and configuration takes up time that you could be using to code. Containers and Docker Compose solve this and give you a deterministic development environment that's quick to get up and running and easy to move to production.
This talk will show you some best practices for Python projects with Docker Compose, including:

- How to bootstrap your project
- An example development workflow with debugging and automated testing
- How to make your builds reproducible and optimized

All this should make your Python development experience quicker and better!

Speaker: Anca Iordache, Docker
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It it great demo, Is there any github link with the code?


Это серьезно реальный доклад с докеркона?) Как-то слабовато, честно, говоря
