How to Make WILLOW WATER as a Rooting Hormone!

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Making willow water for rooting hormone is an easy, fun, and beneficial process for those looking to propagate new plants. To make willow water, simply gather fresh willow branches, chop them into small pieces, and cover them with water. Allow the mixture to steep for 1-2 weeks, and then strain out the solids. The resulting liquid, willow water, is a natural rooting hormone that can be used to encourage roots to grow on cuttings of many different types of plants. Not only is it easy and fun to make, but it's also an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to store-bought rooting hormones. Additionally, willow water can also help to promote healthy growth and prevent disease in newly rooted plants. So, give it a try and see the results for yourself!

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Wow this is awesome I have plant cuttings so I may need to try this myself


yu are the first i have ever seen read the uses and health bennifets of a plant. we live in the swamp and have been using willow for a long time


Great video and thank you for the knowledge!!!


will the willow stalks start to root too?


I’m i’m going to be doing a similar thing but I’ll be making JLF JADAM liquid fertilizer and i’ll also extract using two other methods the first one being fermented plant extracts, and the second one being LAB!


Went looking for willows in my town to do this, there were a few i remembered as a kid, but few are still in the same places. Hard tree to find (where i live, at least) but i hope the water will help my transplanted wild flowers to root faster! Always nicer than just buying rooting hormones


How do you keep the water from getting rotten? I have 3 bottles with branch cuttings in them I’m trying to propagate from a family members fruit tree and some various other trees. I did one bottle where I just cut up the willows and put straight in the bottle with the cuttings and fresh water. The other two bottles I boiled the water and poured on top of the willow cuttings and let sit for 36 hours before adding in the cuttings. The two that I boiled the water went rancid very quickly. The one without the boiled water has not gone rancid yet but I think is on its way. It’s been about 6 days total.

Should I strain out the sticks after a period of time? How often do you need to refresh the bottle with new water and willow pieces?


This is new to me willow water, I've always used honey and cinnamon, but looking at this and doing a study this seems really to work well so I'm doing this as I have rose cuttings to do this with. I've taken willow cuttings, except I've put them in the jar but with boiling water and will leave for 24 hours for all the goodness I need to come out


Not personally going to rub willow on my hemmorhoids but your videos rock!! XD


It is just the weeping willows or can you use hybrid willows black willows golden willows etc


Aspirin gives the same rooting effects... That's what your getting in your water is salicylic acid. Same thing aspirin is made of..


Willow water doesn't works, whatever the type of willow. That is what the comparative tests show. Don't waste your time with that.
