Why Do We Vote? It's Not For the Reasons You Think…
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In this episode we're joined by a leading political scientist to help us figure out the complex psychological and social factors that motivate us to vote… or not to. We discuss how and why our decision whether or not to vote might not be a rational one. And why it is important to understand that. And why it’s important to vote!
High fives to all our Brain Trust Patrons:
Baerbel Winkler
Barbora Bei
Burt Humburg
dani bowman
David Johnston
Ed Eyden
Eric Meer
Holly, Brett, and Ashe Bullion
Jaap Westera
Jennifer Burton
Karen Haskell
Mike and Patty Loftis
Olivia Ruiz
Join us on Patreon!
In this episode we're joined by a leading political scientist to help us figure out the complex psychological and social factors that motivate us to vote… or not to. We discuss how and why our decision whether or not to vote might not be a rational one. And why it is important to understand that. And why it’s important to vote!
High fives to all our Brain Trust Patrons:
Baerbel Winkler
Barbora Bei
Burt Humburg
dani bowman
David Johnston
Ed Eyden
Eric Meer
Holly, Brett, and Ashe Bullion
Jaap Westera
Jennifer Burton
Karen Haskell
Mike and Patty Loftis
Olivia Ruiz
Join us on Patreon!
The Electoral College, explained
Does your vote count? The Electoral College explained - Christina Greer
Electoral vote vs. the popular vote: explained | Just The FAQs
This is why we still have the Electoral College
US Presidential Election explained (explainity® explainer video)
Why the Way We Vote Is Terrible
Why the Electoral College Exists | Nat Geo Explores
The Trouble with the Electoral College
How the Electoral College Works
Primary Elections Explained
Why The Electoral College Exists
What If the Electoral College is Tied?
US election: What is the electoral college and how does it work?
Why Do We Still Have The Electoral College? | Throughline | NPR
Election Day - Why Do We Vote on Tuesdays?⎢Civics in a Minute⎢TakePart TV
Which voting system is the best? - Alex Gendler
Election day 2024. Voting for Kids. Why Voting is Important?
America 101: Why Do We Vote on the First Tuesday? | History
Is The Electoral College Killing the Democratic Process?
Election Basics: Crash Course Government and Politics #36
How the US election works - BBC News
Why the US waits so long to swear in the new president
Why Does The U.S. Vote On Tuesdays?
Why Electronic Voting Is Still A Bad Idea