White House denies Trump said Russia no longer targeting US

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No point, no need to read too much into anything coming out of the 'usual crowd' from the USA end !
Their reactions are on the whole irrational, unstable even extreme in madness to deserve much credibility..plain
for all the rational people of the world to see by now ?!

Therefore in a way i observe it's actually good to have had the meeting in Finland between USA & Russia because then Trump would have the opportunity to engage in direct conversation with his Russian counterpart to build that vital 'real understanding' of trust between them so that next time another wild mad outburst emerges from the USA 'establishment' on who-knows-what in terms of subject matter, least the Russians would 'understand' the behind-the-scenes 'causes' of such irrational behaviour on the USA side so that they would then not over-react immaturely like the USA side & do rash or nasty things as Trump sort of managed to gain their 'understanding' so that they try to 'accommodate' any nonsense from the USA as much as possible in order to keep those USA cry babies 'pacified', while real solutions to problems can then be quietly worked out !
