Update on Brain Research in Autism

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Susan Bookheimer, PhD
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The lack of self awareness is pretty striking. Autistic people have “too much excitability and not enough inhibition?” For whose purposes? By whose standards? This chemical intervention is designed to turn Autistic people into Neurotypical people, and that is unconscionable. Have they not considered the ethical considerations of that? In particular, have they not considered that children would have their brain function “normalized” without their consent?


I remember being a kid. I would not have considered a smiling face a reward. I would have frowned and said “where’s my reward? Can I have a treat?”


I was diagnosed at 30, a few months ago. We’re using Klonopin to manage my meltdowns. It has changed my life and quality of life dramatically. I have what would be “severe - high-function”, but I resent those labels. I’m just Autistic for my needs. I’m able to cry without having full panic attacks because of the Klonopin. Unfortunately, I have c-PTSD which makes it very difficult to cope with daily life at this time. I hardly leave my home, and I go weeks without speaking to another human. I’m glad there’s research to help me understand which medication management options are ideal for me disabilities. I know what I have now is helping me move forward emotionally, and that’s a relief of a lot of stress.


Autism is hard, but I would never take a drug to make me a zombie (aka a normie)


GABA is only one carboxyl group away from glutamate. Metabolically active B6, pyridoxal 5' phosphate B6 is needed as a cofactor for GAD (glutamic acid decarboxylase) to convert glutamate to GABA. There are multiple forms of GAD. Riluzole is an NMDA receptor antagonist. Glutamate fits NMDA receptors to activate those neurons. Neuroscience is pretty cool, but brains are SO complex. Dairy (beta casomorphin 7) is way worse than gluten for autistic brains, overstimulating exponentially more areas.


why healing autism? when we actually are a more realistic way to see and function in this world, not being dominated by all the ego, false self most neurotypicals are. We are in reality a threat to this sick system cos we do not fit in! We simply do things and say things cos that's what we feel and always look for understanding but not for fame or appearing something we a re not. We are very honest and speakthe truth. You should definitely learn from us instead of fighting us....


They don’t need medication, we humans just got to understand that there is mutations in terms of what is considered a general norm . It would be beneficial to have empathy and be open about what that might mean - rather than trying to see it as an issue.
I suggest that we could be inspired .... acknowledging that we are facing the evidence of a realm of new ways of perceiving the world and new ways of expressing and communicating with one another.
If we surrender harsh judgments,
autistic people are encouraged to discover their natural state of authenticity
without trying to mask ones most natural impressions or behavior,
And I suggest that this would lead to an increased amount of very empowered people within so called autism spectrum...
and that will most certainly come with inspirational qualities for all of humanity.
There is no problem in terms of the neurological differences ; the issue is if we fail to discover the gift qualities that nature has intended to integrate into our society .


So my GABA is low and my name is Gabriella. I think that's an almost normal occurence.


Science. 6 years ago: "We can tell someone is Autistic just by scanning their brain"
Trying to get an Autistic diagnoses in 2024: "Yeh, that'll take 3 years and involve a multitude of guesswork via questionnaires"


Neste vídeo, a oradora fala sobre os avanços na investigação cerebral relacionada com o autismo. Ela destaca a importância da ressonância magnética (MRI) na compreensão das causas do autismo, mencionando estudos que exploram o desequilíbrio entre excitação e inibição no cérebro de indivíduos com autismo. Um estudo utiliza a espectroscopia por ressonância magnética nuclear (NMR) para medir os níveis de glutamato e GABA no cérebro de crianças com autismo, identificando um desequilíbrio com maior excitação e menor inibição.

Outro estudo investiga os efeitos de uma intervenção farmacológica com o medicamento rilaZol, que visa normalizar o equilíbrio entre excitação e inibição no cérebro de adultos com autismo. Os resultados mostram que o medicamento pode restaurar a conectividade cerebral, sugerindo um potencial tratamento para o autismo.

Além disso, a oradora menciona um estudo que utiliza a conectividade cerebral em repouso para prever o diagnóstico de autismo em crianças de seis meses de idade. Os resultados indicam que certas conexões cerebrais estão relacionadas com o diagnóstico futuro de autismo, embora o estudo seja limitado pelo tamanho da amostra.

Em resumo, a investigação destaca a importância da ressonância magnética na compreensão das causas do autismo e na avaliação de tratamentos potenciais, bem como na previsão do diagnóstico em idades precoces.


is it possible to compensate for the lack of GABA by consuming probiotics containing GABA producing bacteria (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium)?


Has anyone looked into the amalgamation or aluminum oxide and murcury in the brain and belly Kinda really both things that everyone takes in weather thru idk deodorants any cans and vaccines ....amalgamation creates long stalks of fibers and on a microscopic level do you not think it would cause the unfollowable patterns of autism ???? I’m a local idiot and would love some answers pls I have friends that are autistic and after every shot and vaccine they are thrown into a state of excellerated autism and am very upset with our system and the ppl that divorce morality for money ...


If you don't have a formal diagnosis of having ASD by a Doctor or clinician, based on behavioural observation, could it not be a possible approach to uncovering a structural problem neurologically with one's brain by undergoing an MRI to effectively "see what's inside", to look at the brain anatomically to see how its structure might explain one's traits/personality?

Edit: I mean to say, even if you don't have a formal diagnosis of ASD but you've had privately funded (by yourself), how do you access the Professors in this research field to evaluate the MRI images for you, when you're acting as an independent outside of their professional projects?


So, in boys.. the brain reward for social and money was not there. But, with oxytocin, they liked money more.. I'm female, I didn't care about bejewelled (game) on Facebook, but I know people who were extremely obsessded. They might have liked all the rewards. I'm not competitive, I don't know if the same is true for females and different 'racial compositions'.


Sex based phenotypical behavioral profiles are different for females and males in ASD, therefore we will ignore sex differences altogether in MRI scans.


If oxytocin increases trust, would that also be a bad thing


I might have mild autism. I don't feel high functioning . I'm guessing you tested females also.


The language used to describe your fellow humans and the urge to “treat” us so desperately is frankly disgusting.
Stop researching how to fix us; we are not broken.
Start educating society on how to be more accepting of differences.


Anyone want to study my brain?

You would pay for travel and expenses and the brain tests.


To treat Autism? Are you serious? This is the step taken to implement Eugenics. Who decides ? I love being me.
