The Oath of Office 2012

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Induction Day, Midshipman Oath of Office
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Thank you so much for posting this video! It makes me feel closer to my son who was one of those midshipman. Hooray for the class of 2016!


These are the nations few and proud men and women serving


These kids are amazing people of character who will be the salvation of our nation!


And I am stunned every time I hear a politician utter those same words with no intention on honoring them. Most of them break this sacred oath with their first actions in office on their first day in office and then go onto to make long spanning careers breaking their oaths and getting paid exceptionally well despite their treacherous actions. No one means it more than a soldier who is saying these words for the first time and I pray to God that their word is their bond because there are going to be some hard decisions to make in the near future. Remember your oath and do as you swore to do before God and those who bore witness when you swore it.


The Mids behind be broken into laughter when he had to remind the foreign plebes about the right hand. Congrats to the class of 2016. I hope to be in your shoes next year. GO NAVY BEAT ARMY!


This ceremony was awe inspiring! As soon as the Navy Band started playing, I started crying! I am so proud of our sons and daughters and miss being on the yard to see them.
