Bugging out #prepper #doomsday #camping

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Hurricane Hugo back in 89 showed me how the public behaves when power, water, and emergency services go out for 4-6 weeks.


100% agree if you running with a back pack instead of all your gear in your home, sht has really hit the fan haha


Don't let light penitrate the water tank cover it to prevent alge growth.


Smartest person ive heard in a long time. I am so tired of the conspiracy theories and people flipping everything to make things sound as worse as possible. Pushing their narrative and not giving us any actual advice. Thats what im looking for. Leave the hateful opinions at the door. Im here to learn


That is Correct.
That's the difference between a potted plant and a ground rooted one.
A rooted person is more likely to stand their ground because they had worked hard for what they got and believe in.
As for the potted folk will buckle and abandon all around them at a drop of a hat.


I totally agree. I’ve converted my Bug Out Bag to my Get Home Bag and leave it in my truck for when I’m away from my homestead and supplies


Couldn’t have said it better! It’s the phrase I rather have it than not need it than not have it and need it.


Right right...Keep Prepping and Keep on Stacking Smartly...


I live in the north where it’s winter for more than half the year, no one will be bugging out, your home is your shelter!


You got a good start. Good mindset too. I just moved to the foothills of the Ozarks to an old family cabin on a lake. All it takes is a single car to breakdown or wreck and everyone behind that vehicle is screwed. Pray for the best plan for the worst. Nice background music by the way


It’s crazy how people think they think you can carry in a bag for everything you need to survive, much less help with your family. When I was in the Corps, a 70 lb bag only carried enough basic materials for a couple days max. Supply is always critical.


I have a 330 gallon IBC tank in my garage, mainly for flushing toilets and washing. Next to it is 20 cases of bottled water. Next to that is a water filter for the rain barrels in the backyard. Gotta have clean water.


The reality is that one cannot bug out with everything necessary to survive long term. And of those people who think they can, they have no medicine and will likely get a cut and die from infection.. Point is you cannot carry everything for every possible scenerio.. You will always find yourself missing or in need of something you don’t have.


Where I live we get occasional notifications on our phones that we need to boil our water before consuming it. We had 5 days of below freezing temps a couple of years ago, and the pipes froze all over the area. The Texas power grid couldn't keep up with demand, so we had rolling blackouts. I have camping supplies, so I was able to dress warmly, boil water with butane and alcohol stoves, and cook. I keep battery powered radios in my backpacks, so I was able to follow the news and pass on info to the apartment manager and neighbors. I loaned a few power banks to people so they could charge their phones. No need to bug out when you have food, water, battery powered lanterns, radios, and phone and you can boil water and cook and keep about 5 gallons of water stored. Where I live, I'm more likely to need to stay put than bug out. It's a good idea for everyone to keep a few supplies for an unplanned staycation. ( Don't forget a manual can opener).


Thats why its generally recommended if possible to store your stuff at a secondary location to bug out to, somewhere remote and out of the city.


Water tanks are a must I have 1 but planning on getting a few more


Damn, I hope that’s the basement floor not the first or second floor, that’s a lot of water weight!


Correct! Even the life straws. I always tell my loved ones, if I find myself needing to use a life straw, things have gotten VERY bad.😢


Yes, it's ALWAYS best to " bug in".
Are you keeping the supply fresh, or is it already sealed for storage?
How are you stabilizing the water long term? And do you have bleach on hand In case it goes south? How about methods of resupply and treatment?
Also, side note,
You need to get caps for your respirators. They let you block one port and not have to contaminate 2 cartridges at a time.
You can get 3d printed caps pretty cheap, install them and either epoxy the port shut. They also make it WAY easier to aim a shouldered weapon.


Bugging in is a lot more likely, couple years ago, the power went out for a week due to a hurricane, straight to my bugout for solar panels, hand crank radio and alcohol stove, extra flashlights, had it covered
