Game of Thrones - Δημοτική Φιλαρμονική Νεάπολης

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Game of Thrones, κομμάτι τίτλων της σειράς Game of Thrones από τη Δημοτική Φιλαρμονική Νεάπολης Λασιθίου Κρήτης κατά την ετήσια συναυλία της στις 13/08/2017.
Game of Thrones, title song of the TV series Game of Thrones performed by the Philharmonic Band of Neapolis Lasithiou, Crete, Greece during its annual concert in 13/08/2017.
Game of Thrones, title song of the TV series Game of Thrones performed by the Philharmonic Band of Neapolis Lasithiou, Crete, Greece during its annual concert in 13/08/2017.