Gabriel Wortman Case Analysis | What are the Characteristics of Wannabe Cops?

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Dr Grande is the Bob Ross of psychotherapy ...with his easy going even toned soft voice ....the joy of psychotherapy


He followed behind my boyfriend’s mother car. One of his best friends died in the shooting. This rocked the entire province but even now almost a year after it’s still surreal. Rest In Peace Emily


My sister was texting me as she and her daughters hid in their basement from this bastard. They were ok, but too many others were not and this has left so many scars. I still can't believe this happened.


As a Canadian this case was horrifying. Every day more bodies were discovered, we had no idea where it was gonna end.


"The kind of investment that pays in dividends of death." What a magnificent turn of phrase.


I'm Canadian and when this happened last summer our news media refused to disclose his name when reporting the story. Maybe it was to help prevent retaliation. They basically said it was to prevent him from becoming notorious/famous. I'd never seen that happen before. Today was the first time I learned his name. I've dated a couple of first responders and your analysis of this type of person is right on. Also this video gave me some validation. I had a long-term relationship with someone who fits all of the criteria for psychopathy and APD. Of course I thought that I was the problem and I've never been the same since that relationship ended. At one point my ex started the hiring process for our police department. It all mysteriously came to a grinding halt one day and he wasn't hired. I realize now that he had probably gotten to the psychological testing phase and was rejected for his psychopathic traits. He's been incredibly lucky over the years in terms of not getting caught. Despite committing juvenile crimes, drug dealing, violent fights, public intoxication and being a kleptomaniac he has never been arrested. I don't think he's ever been held accountable for anything illegal he's ever done, or the pain and abuse he has inflicted on the people close to him, particularly women. I was in my early 20s when I was with him, and too naive and trusting to understand or accept what I was dealing with. I mourned this relationship for a very long time despite knowing intellectually that I was lucky to escape him.


I am from Nova Scotia, and the killer drove through my community in his fake cop car that morning, just before he shot the cop. My sister lives near his clinic. It was pretty sad.


I'm a Nova Scotian, and we're still recovering. In that same month we had a few other tragedies, it was so sad how it all happened at once.


Thank you so much for covering this one Dr. Grande. It's believed that he was on his way to Halifax, the province's main city, to kill many more people than he already had. I used to live in the area near one of his denture clinics and he had this giant, creepy, smiling set of model dentures that he had hung up on the side of the building. Local residents had it taken down pretty quickly because people said it felt like it was like he was smiling at them after what he did.


Thanks for doing my request Dr. Grande. I was born in Nova Scotia and had years ago travelled thru the communities where the shooting spree took place. So very tragic.


This happened in my home town
Coming up on the one year anniversary
So much loss for so many
Rest In Peace to the 23 victims


Thank you Dr Grande for taking the time to talk about this case. This shook the entire province of Nova Soctia. This just goes to prove that any crime can happen anywhere...even in rural NS Canada. Everybody knows everyone here. Neighbors help each other. And then 23 innocent people were taken away, just like that, in the blink of an eye. It was absolutely horrifying. People are still shaken and most of us refuse to even say his name or talk about him. I can't even look at his face. Thank you again, Dr.


Holy sh*t, this guy needed more than anger management, that's for sure


Dr.Grande in my opinion is one of the hardest working content creators on Utube !!


As a Canadian, we're collectively still dealing with the failures in the system that allowed this rampage to continue for as long as it did. Great critique Doc as always Doc. Dark but huge thanks. Glad this one didn't come out on Friday as this episode would have not gone down quite so well with the Merlot after a long week wrestling Autism Doc. 👍😉


This story scares me. Because when you think of moving to a small town you hope to move away from big-city violence and drama. Glad to see the palm tree is back. Thanks again for your analysis!


Terrifying yet story sensitively analysed, Dr G! Horrible story for Canadians - love to all in Canada - everywhere else too, of course! From the UK 🇬🇧


Great analysis. This man may have been a wannabe police officer, but in my personal opinion, he was pure monster. I know people who have had some of the worst childhood s, but they don't go around shooting people. Thank you Dr Grande have a great day.


Purple definitely suits you, doc! As always, thank you for analyzing yet another very fascinating story!


This case really shook Canada, thank you so much for devoting an episode to it
