Epson V850 Pro Scanner Review

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Need a great quality desktop scanner? Buy this Epson V850 you won't be sorry!

Greg reviews the Epson V850 Pro scanner and included software. It can scan prints, negatives and transparencies and includes 2 sets of film holders. Any questions, ask in the comments below. Keep shooting!

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I purchased one today. I have owned an Epson Scanner Expression 636 for over 20 years and that is the reason I purchased this new model, One of the greatest features is the ICE program. I own a Minolta scanner for 35mm and medium format film I dropped it on the floor and did cry for a few days. Cannot get if fixed since Minolta/Konika closed shop forever. Ya ask what does this have to do with this Epson scanner . ICE is a Kodak program that will restore faded color and eliminate scratches, Size wise the 636 gave the user the opportunity to scan at high resolution and CHOOSE the size of the output almost regardless of the original size  and a chosen scanning resolution. I dedicated an old computer system to the 636 since it's connected by Firewire connection. An extremely old technology and slow. I was able to scan transparencies up to 8x10 and flat art to 8 1/2 17. You can select a single slide/transparency from a group and scan  up to the highest resolution. This item didn't need a salesman since I knew more that most at Staples or Best buy . I will report back as soon as I do some scans of all sizes. Xenophon A. Beake


I have issues with XRITE, welcome to the club.


all above applications that you mentioned, are they MAC compatible?


even though scanning time is variable, it would have helped to give some sample scanning times to give us an idea of quickest vs slowest times and to estimate how long it would take to scan a batch of slides or film.


again, thx ... hadn't dove that deep into the Guide.


Nice review. I've been looking for your mentioned review of the Silverfast s/w but don't seem to be able to find it and no link in the description. Have you done one yet?


Does this scanner pick up the texture of paper, like a watercolor paper? I’m looking for a scanner that does not pick up the paper texture.


wow great review, I need one of these


Each film/slider has two 'sliders' each on the top and bottom edges [notched to allow for five settings]. There's no documentation of what these are, what they are used for, and how to use them.

When I called Epson [562.276.4382] to ask, after three hours on the phone, they couldn't tell me [and that was after elevating the question to three levels of 'incompetence'].


Excellent Review! I just bought a Epson V800 (Only model available in Singapore).
I've got one question +Gregory Cazillo, do I need to have a profiling software since my Silverfast do not come with that option? Does it make any significant difference with my workflow?


Hi Gregory, the V600 has also ICE. Does it work on it also as properly as shown here at 4:50. Have you compared it?


I don't see any information on scanning print pictures. Does it have the ability to do this as well?


hi there, just wondering if the lid, when opening, does it have a hold at half way, or do you have to lift the lid all the way open, ive got the v550 and the lid holds open half way, which is what im looking for, this lid on the v850 looks a lot thicker and may weigh more


Is the lid completely removable? I would like to scan large-scale paintings (6'x4') and would like a scanner with a removable lid so I can scan the painting in sections. In other words, the scanner needs to lay completely flat, face-down on the painting. Is that possible with this scanner?


You say 4800dpi for film or transparencies. I am guessing that number varies depending on the size of the film. What is the end result dpi for 35mm film frame if you are scanning 12 at a time?


Sorry guy, I really want to know what is the highest resolution scan per frame?


I've heard reports that the 120 film holder doesn't actually appear to be the right side. Have you any comment on that?


+Gregory Cazillo It looks so bulky but neat. How does it compare with Epson Perfection V39? Is it better?

I just bought Epson V39 as an artist. And already I want to take it back. I hate that black horizontal bar that appears as a black gap since my artbook doesn't totally cover the glass. 😞 Even if I cover it, that stupid black bar is still there! And there's no way of cropping it out aside from using photoshop. Ugh.😣


Can one scan 5X7" slides on theV850?


What is the largest negative it can scan?
