The Watchtower Society Quotes Known Cult Defender

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Source material: David Splane Producing Accurate Publications
Dr. Massimo Introvigne, on Ban of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia | JW.ORG Videos
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Introvigne is also director of CESPOC, the Center for the Study of Popular Culture. He was the Italian director of the Transylvanian Society of Dracula, which included the leading academic scholars in the field of the literary and historical study of the vampire myth”


“We won’t use the quote ....”

Unless it’s a purposeful misquote to deny the cross or support the NWT


of course they would use a ghoul like themselves


Really: So why they are telling their congregants that they should hate "Jehovahs Enenmies" when Jesus always said You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you – Matthew 5:43-44. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.


I think it would be safe to assume "say anything for a buck Massimo" is on watchtower's payroll


They don't use the quote unless it fits thier agenda or if they do they only use part of the quote. They do this with the Bible all the time!


People, you do not understand why GB of JW disfellowshipping is not Biblical and it is not Biblical. I got it from Our Majestic God, is clear and simple. Pray to Our God and read Matt 18:15-17 and 1 Cor 5:11-13. Jesus words are first and then Pauls words. Jesus said something different than Paul said. In reality is not 3 but 4 steps before person can be disfellowshippied that is why Pauls said to not eat with person who is brother .Why ? ..because Jesus said that everyone in congregation as 4 step should know what sinner is doing and this is last chance for him to get to right path .If not then will be (disfellowshipped ) like Taxman or People from other nations for you Jesus said .So after you can talk to him, do business with him, you can eat with him but he will be not longer under hope of join Gods Kingdom. He will be judged by God. So after he will not listening to congregation contract of baptism will be U-Turn, Also disfellowshipping is only possible for sins which Jesus and Paul mention in own words when they talk about this subject not for anything else that GB of JW said that Brother can be disfellowshipped ..they teach false doctrines and they do not listening to Jesus words neither Pauls .
Because of this GB is BLOOD GUILTY .
1ST because fake doctrine of disfellowshipping and consequences like in Germany (more I thing to come) and 2 and because FAKE DOCTRINE FOR BLOOD TRANSFUSION .Blood (not eaten or drunk) but transfused can safe peoples life like Jesus Blood safe peoples life but more about it below .

For You DISFELLOWSHIPED ILLEGALLY I got more info from Our Majestic God JEHOVAH when God talking about FAT SHEEPS from GB of jW that they do not want to talk about, which can be found in Ezekiel 34.
So you brothers and sisters illegally disfellowshipped never forgot about what Our God said to us in Isaiah 43:10

I have got more truth from Bible that showing not Biblical teachings by GB of JW egz about Blood which can safe Brothers, Sisters and children life.

All false BLOOD DOCTRINE WAS BUILD ON THE BASE OF ONE MAN NAME Thomas Bartholin (1616-80), professor of anatomy at the University of Copenhagen, BLOOD TRANSFUSION CRITIC .It is in article " Blood—Vital for Life" of JW what can be googled.
In all previous medicine blood was use to drink not transfusion is not drunk or eaten but transfer from one man to another to safe his life. BUT MAN THOMAS BARTHOLIN HE GAVE GB of JW green light to build unbiblical doctrine where BROTHERS, SISTERS AND CHILDREN DYING BECAUSE of FALSE Governing Body of JW doctrine. ORGANISATION SPECIALLY GB of JW again they are BLOOD GUILTY.

Another thing is 10 comm and law which (JESUS SAID) "... if someone teach different than what law said wil be called smaller in Gods Kingdom " i CAN PROOF IT EVEN WHEN Paul WILL BE UNDERSTUND AND READ IN DIFFRENT WAY. But more about Gods Message in next post if anyone interested .
WE WAITING WHEN GOD will PANISH FAT SHEEP and will take back Lost Sheep, lost -(disfellowshipped illegally) by Fat Sheep (Ezekiel 34) AND reverse false teaching of GB of JW to true understanding ones and forever

Gods Grace be with You Dear Brothers and Sisters

Ps .If anyone want to talk about it pls ask


Appreciated many of your videos but this is beyond the pale. Introvigne is not an apologist for cults but a defender of the minorities, the persecuted and the abused. As much as the two witness rule is grossly mishandled by WT in abuse cases, it is definitely not a conscious effort of the GB(victims themselves) to hurt people. We all need to be careful that hatred does not obscure mercy and justice.


What an ignorant video.

Introvigne is a scholar who defends the religious liberties of religious minorities around the world.
To say he a “cult” defended is beyond ignorant.
