This Is BIG. (Fourteeners gathering:)

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Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome to another Fourteener gathering. We had a lot of fun, with great shares and digging into His revelation to understand His season and time. Which I and many are convinced is upon us...

This current SEPTEMBER 2024.

And we show how that's even possible with a couple more revelations here today.
So please be encouraged, watch and pray. And know the LORD's timing will be perfect and... This September:)

GOD bless, watch over and strengthen you and yours always.

Please HELP Support the Ministry and our mission in Uganda.
(When sending donations through PayPal please select send as "Friends and family")

OUR mailing Address: Alain Dubreuil
PO Box 91085 Royal Oak
Calgary, AB. Canada
T3G 5W6


AMAZON; Paperback or eBook


I pray for us ALL and our families that We have our houses in Order and are ready to go! I truly love you all Brothers and Sisters and pray for you and all your families. I look forward to meeting you and yours in our Lord presence very soon:)

The 14 Year Tribulation Timeline Chart Overview. Link;

Opened Books the Chapters to Years. Link;

Israel is the time piece to the End Time Years! Link;

June 17, 2010 video telling of future events happening Now;

RECOMMENED PLAYLIST - for all who are new to the revelations of this ministry -
You can view on the Intro page of the Ministry Revealed website (recommended)
You can also view on the playlist page of our Ministry Revealed YouTube channel

Please continue to support us in getting out the truth, Operation 14 Years. We want to get as many of these USB teachings out there as we can before it all begins. To ship them around the world. AND we would like to know which churches you'd like to see receive one of these packages. If you have a church leader or others in mind please give us their name as well as church address/ shipping info. ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD And please don't forget we ask for your prayers first and foremost. Thank you and GOD bless you and your families.

Watch and pray always that we may be accounted worthy to escape All these things that shall come to pass upon the whole earth and to stand before the Son of man.
Рекомендации по теме

I love this format ! Its cool seeing my brothers and sisters hanging out as we wait on the blessed Hope


In Steve's dream he said he had no shoes on. God said to Moses to take off his shoes because he was standing on Holy ground. I'm ready to go stand on Holy ground no shoes allowed 😂😊 MARANATHA!!!


Virgo being in play is absolutely wild right now !! Im pumped


About an 8'th day. (Elul). 10 days of high watch starts. Sounds heavenly.


Sorry I miss this. Will watch it now. ❤


A really enjoyable zoom, we can only keep planting the seed about the rapture so when we gone it will ring a bell with all those who heard us and help them to come to Christ. Not easy getting those to understand what we’ve known for years. Been a great journey though. By the Grace of God soon we’ll be leaving.🙏🙏


She is right...take as long as you want. I like hearing about the Lord so make the next one 4 hours please!! ❤


Hello brother Alan and family so the Lord has revealed to me through dreams and visions that I will be glorified I will be able to fly and when I look at a destination I will arrive there at the speed of light and I am on the earth helping to bring in the final Harvest so it is very apparent to me that we will be glorified when we are helping to bring in the final Harvest also from what I was told and Shown we will all go together and attend the Glorious wedding supper and remember the two witnesses appeared after the bride escapes so is it not possible that those that are helping to bring in the final Harvest would be considered like the two witnesses so it sounds to me like we will be attending we will all be attending the Glorious wedding supper and then those that will be helping to bring in the final Harvest will be returning glorified there will be others on the earth at that time will have to give their life for the Lord


I’m looking everyday, no matter who say what. Special days 9/9 & 9/11, 10/2…


For Isaiah in the zoom mtg..., stars twinkle, planets don't. Stars give off light, and planets reflect light. 😊


I have not watched the video yet, but what I did read above I would like to comment on. I believe, yes, we are getting close, but God has to bless the Bride before sending Jesus to retrieve her. She must be a bride without spot or blemish. So, go relax people! We ain't anywhere close (September) to being in that condition, so let the clock keep ticking! Jesus says that he will come when no one is expecting it. All of you are expecting it. Kim Clement talked about the year 2027, and suddenly he was beyond the veil where he could hear an amalgamation of old and young voices. God still has lots of work to do! I will go listen in to the full video later. In the mean time, be blessed!


Be ready to endure whats coming.
Not fly away in a rapture


why was the woman brought before the high priest Jesus after Tabernacles??? Government shutdown for the holy day, and a solemn day is better than a feast day❤


If this guy really had "end time eyes" his "revelation" would be 100% correct. Christ's first warning was let NO MAN DECEIVE YOU. how many times does he have to be wrong before you admit you have been lied to?
