Solar Death Ray: Cooking with a Fresnel Lens from a Projection TV

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Projection televisions have a fresnel lens on the front that takes the small image inside the tv and magnifies it so it becomes much larger on the screen. Craig Beals removes the fresnel lens to make a solar death ray to blow up a pop can, cook a marshmallow and cook hamburgers using the solar power of the sun.

This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information outlined in this video, you assume responsibility for the results. As with any experiment, proceed at your own risk.

Good Starts by Jingle Pinks - YouTube audio
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I made one of these myself about 10 years ago. You can easily melt modern pennies. Just remember even a fraction of a second in the beam and you will suffer a horrific burn. A family friend walked through the beam even after repeated warnings, and lucky for her the focal point was about the size of a basketball, but even a 1/4 second through the beam caused her pants to SMOKE!


When you lowered your voice for the can pop i was so focused on what you were saying that the world could've ended around me, and I would still be there, agreeing with you that this is so cool!


Decades ago, when I was a teenager, my mother had a magnifying glass, a commercially produced item that was available in the 60's, made to prop itself on her chest and allow her to read the small print of a book while she was knitting, or darning socks ( she never sat and did just one thing at a time).

As kid I would take that magnifying glass and set things on fire.

One day, I focused it on the entrance hole of a large red ant hill. After a few seconds, red ants began boiling out of the hole and as soon as they were exposed to the focused light, were burned to a crisp. I have often thought of this of an environmentally friendly way to kill out an ant color y without poisoning the environment.

As a collector of curious junk things, I have a fresnel lens from an old TV that I have carried around for years. I think I will use it to build a death ray for ants.


Hey remember me i watched you all the time and just came back to see how you were doing i see from the last time that i watched you you have gained 600 subscribers. I just wanted to wish you well in you're science channel because i think you have something great here. Thanks for doing what you do and i'll keep watching and enjoying you're videos


Focus it on a parabolic mirror to get to a finer point and see if you can weld with it.


You should carry this with you on your next camping/hiking adventure, you know, to start campfires.


my #1 most favourite channel to watch science joke


In survival situations this would be great if you needed to cook food but can have a fire. You could even heat up rocks for hand warmers. Pretty cool


ok ok
this video was FANTASTIC.
You truly should be on television.
GREAT guy. great enthusiasm. I love it!


Oh man, you are an awesome guy, you need loads more subs!


If I get around to completing my design, I plan to have MCU controlled solar tracking (of course with the manual sun dial), a drop shade with a sensor to somehow provide a feedback loop to the system and users for controls when able to use, a heat guide shaped like a horn antenna that the horn portion is fixed to the lens and a fixed heater box portion that has a ball joint with the horn portion. I'm thinking this will be the safest design so I can not have to worry about goggles and people looking into the hot spot. Also, the cooking box or surface can be fixed and level during the complete process for ease of managing use. Amazed no one has done this yet. I'm also wondering about using two Fresnel lenses with one side edge together and the lenses at an angle focused to another Fresnel lens like a glass one from a projector or like a Fish-eye lens to possible utilize more lenses for a hotter spot for cloudy days. Seems the glass mirrors also have a potential oven design or even using to reflect more surface area at the Fresnel lens on cloudier days.


These things are pretty cool, plan on using one to make a boiler system


Bro i live in Phoenix Arizona, it's 118 degrees outside. I have one of those older large screen protection TV's sitting in my garage that's been there for years. I wasn't sure what to do with it until now.


I tried to find a mini version of that thing but got a 3d mobile thingy to make screen bigger (about 3 usd)
And it worked
Thanks for your idea had fun


I love the fact that he cooked food on it😂


I know it’s been a long time since you made this video but I am wondering if it can get hot enough to make ruby from aluminum oxide powder.


Love your videos! The world is a better place with teachers like you. Would taking lenses from varying sized tvs and stacking them create a more powerful and focused beam? Or would the light become too diffused having to go through more screens?


Good I appreciate u bro, nice explantion


Try to melt rock into lava.
Death ray supposelly heats to 2000F or 1, 100C (about temp of lava)

Those Rear-projection tv also have about 2 pretty strong capacitors.
250V 1, 000 μF (M) Or Microfarad
perfect for Tesla coils if you're into it.


Hay Bs have you tried heat treating with this process I know I’m gonna try
