Nuclear Judgement Happening Soon? Revelation in the Stars on Oct 9th 2024

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Revelation in the stars October 9th 2024 connected to Sept 23 207. Is this signaling a 7 year warning, the rapture, tribulation, or judgement all happening around the feast of trumpets.

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Discernment is one of The Gifts from GOD


Thank you dear Brother! Eyes to the skies! Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of vourselves: it is the GIFT of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”


Amen, Lord Jesus being The Spirit of Prophecy, The Lamb of God being The ONLY ONE found Worthy to open the scroll to begin the end of ALL time ✝️🇮🇱👰🏻‍♀️🇺🇸✝️


Awesome video Sling thanks for the clarification on the subject 😊💖


"The future is a muddy river clogged with prophets." -Frank Herbert


Zechariah isn't talking about a nuke... the people melt on their feet "At the presence of the Lord" not in the presence of a mushroom cloud


Every country will pour out their star who's clouds will reach the heaven and look like palm trees


The Lord also says that people should not be afraid of these predictions, even though other nations are terrified by them, "Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them" (Jeremiah 10:2).


Look up Rock Island Books for CJ Lovik's Beerisheet prophecy, and his 2024 series of teachings.


Watched it, was quite interesting 🤔. Hoping there correct 👍 God bless 🙏 🙌 ❤️


🔥 Blessings, ⚔️ also read His word out loud if possible as we were spoken unto existence. 🙏7️⃣7️⃣7️⃣ Peace & Blessings ⚔️


Brimstone looks a lot like those missiles they are launching over there. Watch them fall on the black sky.


October 9th here in NZ nothings happened


Scripture teaches 3 timelines: the time past (3970 BC Tishri 1 - AD 28 Elul 29), the last days (AD 28 Tishri 1 - 2008 Elul 29), and the latter times (end times; 2008 Tishri 1 - 2031 Elul 29). On the latter timeline lies a 7-year period called the latter days (2024 Tishri 1 - 2031 Elul 29).

Scripture teaches the latter timeline (end times) begins when the church comes to the full (a mindset) to believe another gospel, and deceives many, thinking to be something they're not, having become an apostate church. God in His grace and mercy is going to pour out His Spirit once again called the Latter Rain for 3 1/2 years, which shall be His time of correction and conviction, first upon the church, and then upon the secular world.

This Rain shall be in the latter days (7-year period) that lies on the latter timeline. Something many fail to recognize is that there will be two tribulations that occur within the latter days 1) that tribulation and 2) great tribulation.

The first tribulation (that tribulation), which is days in length, comes upon all those that come out of the apostate church to receive the truth of the gospel, and they shall go forth in the power of His Spirit, and shall be slain for the word of God (His Law), and the testimony which they held. These are the dead in Christ of that tribulation. After the dead in Christ rise and stand on their feet then we (His faithful that have, do, and teach the truth, which are provided for and protected from and through that tribulation) shall be caught up together with them (the dead in Christ now risen) to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

After that tribulation and rapture then comes great tribulation wherein a great multitude are seen in heaven, having made their robes white in the blood of the Lamb, which were killed like those in that tribulation before them. These came out of the secular world.

Immediately after the tribulation of those days (both tribulations of the latter days) then comes His wrath. Just prior to His wrath Ezekiel's War occurs, and then the remnant Jews shall confess and repent of their sins to be saved, and then comes His wrath reserved for the ungodly and the disobedient children, followed by the Second Coming of Christ with all the holy angels and saints to set up the Millennial Kingdom of Christ on earth.

The positional timing of rapture is: post-trib-pre-great-trib-pre-wrath, which occurs during the Latter Rain, after that tribulation, yet prior to great tribulation. That said, though I can't be dogmatic, it's possible the Latter Rain could begin to fall on June 1, 2025 Pentecost, which is 8 months (new beginnings) after the latter days begin, which just happens to be the first day of Pride Month. From what I see coming, the Latter Rain will be the most powerful time in all of human history, as many will be corrected and convicted of the truth of the gospel.

Please know and understand that the gospel that is currently taught in most churches today is not the gospel, but another. But the time comes when the true gospel (this gospel of the kingdom) shall be preached, and then shall the end (the end of the age) come.

God is: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Godhead, and these Three are one.


10/10 is XX that becomes interesting the farther u dig n


Doesn't it mention that those who live by the sword die by the sword


I think a lot of people are misinterpreting what you said about the nuclear weapons. They think you are claiming no nukes will be used in these end time wars, when you literally say that will happen. I don’t know if people are not listening clearly or what because all you said is that the scrolls mentioned in Revelation aren’t a nuclear weapon.


I had a dream about a nuclear weapon I was told they will be used too cause fear


The scroll in Revelation 5 is a land deed that Jesus has purchased with his own blood Jesus paid for the land. So the land of Earth was stolen by the enemy called The Serpent of old from the Garden of Eden. Lots of information here


Oct is 8
Novem is 9
Deca is 10
There is also a 13th zodiac
