Keynote Catjects — Dirk Baecker

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Sociology's interest in the Laws of Form is at least threefold. First, the cross describes a communication generating memory out of oscillation. Second, the calculus of indications makes it possible to write networks reproducing as eigen-values of systems. And, third, such networks, or catjects, as I would propose to call them, help to design and reflect strategies of projects differentiated and reproduced as systems.

Dirk Baecker is Professor of Cultural Theory and Management at the University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany. His research work includes sociological theory, culture theory, economic sociology, organization research, and management education. In his current research project, the Catjects Project, Dirk Baecker explores catjects – categories underlying the differentiation and reproduction of specific types of communication – as a means of cultural analysis, relying on a culture theory which understands culture as the product and condition of a complex mutuality and polycontexturality of different observers (such as minds, bodies, machines, swarms, nets, encounters, or organizations) emerging from each other's second-order observation.
Рекомендации по теме

I've been following your ideas, in print, for about 4 years. Enjoyed the lecture and the european lens . Thank you


00:41:33 who is doing this "mathematical comment"? thx for link.


@12:00 whaaat? The ℂ numbers are not "complex" as in _complicated._ They are just one representation of an even subalgebra of a Clifford algebra. Hardly anything could be simpler.


@12:50 not really the whole story here. Consciousness is singular (even in the case of multiple personality syndrome), it does not require communication with an "other" it just requires such communication in order to be fulfilled. (Put your own metaphysical gloss on that as you please.)
