Does Your Mind Do This Too? | 10 Toxic Thought Patterns

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To that end, I decided to explain what are known as the 10 Cognitive Distortions. These are lenses in which we view and analyze the world that commonly lead to inaccurate, toxic, and dangerous thoughts. Jumping to conclusions, over-generalization, discounting the positive… all examples of distortions that twist the reality of what you’re receiving. These occur with major life events like break ups/heartbreak/divorce or losing a job, as well as everyday occurrences like traffic or getting snubbed on the street. Knowledge is power, and with an understanding of these 10 things, hopefully you’ll be prepared to fend off the distortions when they inevitably present themselves.

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-Doctor Mike Varshavski

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** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional **
0:00 Therapy/Intro
0:32 All or Nothing Thinking
1:01 Overgeneralizing
1:27 Labeling
2:06 Mental Filters
2:40 Jumping to Conclusions
3:09 Magnification
3:49 Emotional Reasoning
5:25 Should Statements
5:53 Personalization and Blame
6:23 Discounting the Positive
Рекомендации по теме

Getting therapy is no different than going to the doctor. It's just mental health instead of physical health. Good on you for highlighting this.


My dad has struggled with depression in the past. He’s talked often about how depression has sometimes convinced him that everything positive that happened to him was luck, but everything negative in his life was his fault.


"I've started therapy." I immediately hit the "thumbs up" on hearing you say that. I've had 2 amazing therapists in my life who helped me navigate through extremely difficult and challenging situations. The result was a course change for my life that steered me in a positive direction. My life is in a wonderful place as a direct result of these 2 therapists. Can't recommend this enough!


Dr Mike: "the spider crawling up your shower curtain is harmless"

Also Dr Mike: *crashes his car* because of a spider


Soooo.... you’re telling me somebody cheated on, broken up with, and/ghosted this man ?? THIS MAN?! They’re the ones who need therapy !


"99% of the time, the spider crawling up your shower curtain is harmless"
Me: *laughs in Australian*


In my society, anyone who is suffering from depression, anxiety, stress, anger issues or anything like that is labeled as 'mental case' or ' pagal(mental in urdu)' especially by many(not all) older and middle aged people. The new generation is really more understanding and helpful. Watching u say that it's normal to seek help is relieving.


Therapist: "be kinder to yourself"

Friends: "be kinder to yourself"

Dr.Mike: "Be kinder to yourself"

Me: *confusion*


the problem i have with therapy is that
1. It's expensive
2. u might get someone that just doesnt click with u
3. u cant just summon ur therapist when u really need it.
edit: thx u all so much for ur precious advice! i really appreciate it!


I’m currently taking a mental health break from nursing school. Covid has railroaded me and I need to recover. My little boy needs me to get better. Thank you for reminding me that it’s ok not to be ok, but also not to let myself stay there. Thanks for sharing your story as well. ❤️


Thank you for addressing mental health issues, it’s refreshing n genuine


It’s great to talk about these things openly, even the people who look the most put together may be having issues 🙌🏾


Appreciate you talking about this! These thought patterns can definitely cause issues but if you learn to conquer them can make you really successful!!


“The world is a complex place, where control is limited.” That’s what scares me. I have Complex PTSD, & I appreciate this video. Hyper-vigilance is behind a lot of my interior dialogue, and often centers on my family’s abuse and gaslighting. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helped me a lot with that, and this is a good reminder of where those thoughts come from, and how to show them the door. Thank you.


0:45 - Pattern 1 - All or Nothing
1:05 - Pattern 2 - Overgeneralization
1:30 - Pattern 3 - Labelling
2:10 - Pattern 4 - Mental filters
3:05 - Pattern 5 - Jumping to conclusions
3:20 - Pattern 6 - Magnification
4:05 - Pattern 7 - Emotional reasoning
4:25 - Mid roll ads
5:30 - Pattern 8 - "Should" statements
6:10 - Pattern 9 - Personalization & blame
6:30 - Pattern 10 - Discounting the positive


"Caring for mental health"

Engineering math book: "no, I don't think I will"


I love how he always includes Bear in his videos somehow ... this man really loves his dog unconditionally and it's the cutest thing ever


"discounting the positive" is a real struggle for me. I spent a lot of my formative years around VERY arrogant people and decided to not allow arrogance in myself, and it took me a long time to see the difference between honestly admitting I did good at something and an arrogant boast. Seems I don't do as much of the second as I thought and it was my wife who helped me put things into perspective about it.


In my therapist's room there is a postcard hanging on the wall. It shows a funny donkey, looking at one with the quote "Don't believe everything you think". I love it as it describes a lot of my insecurities that were caused by people with toxic behaviour in my childhood. Today, there are no toxic people in my life. My worst enemy is my brain, which is also my best friend.
I don't know what you are struggeling with, but don't think everything is over now. Your life has a lot of potential to get better and going into therapy will be worth it if you give it a chance!
Enjoy your day.


We say all the time that "Just because someone has it 'worse', doesn't make your pain invalid." The opposite is also true. Just because someone has done 'more' or is 'better', doesn't mean you aren't good enough!
