Las Navas de Tolosa #shorts #fyp #chaliphate #spain #cordoba #military #lasnavasdetolosa #battle

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Witness the epic Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, a pivotal clash that reshaped medieval Iberia and became the TURNING POINT of the Reconquista! ⚔️ In 1211, a formidable Almohad invasion force threatened to overwhelm the Christian kingdoms of Spain. Pope Innocent III's call for a crusade ignited Europe, drawing troops from across the continent to rally under the banner of Alfonso VIII of Castile. In 1212, the stage was set for a monumental battle. Experience the brutal clash as Latin heavy cavalry and infantry launched a ferocious charge into the Almohad center, initially pushing back the lighter Muslim infantry. Feel the tide turn as the Christian charge loses momentum, and a devastating Almohad cavalry counter-charge threatens to break the Latin lines. See how Alfonso's flanks are drawn into the desperate struggle as the battle line buckles under pressure. But just as defeat looms, the last Christian reserves surge forward, stabilizing the fight. Watch as cracks begin to appear in the Almohad ranks, and Sancho VII of Navarre, with his elite knights, smashes through, making a beeline for the ultimate prize: Caliph al-Nasir’s tent. Though the Caliph's African bodyguard fights valiantly to allow his escape, the Almohad army, utterly demoralized by the near capture of their leader, collapses and is mercilessly pursued by the relentless Latin cavalry. 🏃♂️ This decisive Christian victory at Las Navas de Tolosa shattered Almohad power in Iberia, paving the way for the final stages of the Reconquista. Sixteen years later, the last Almohad forces would leave Iberia forever, marking a new era in Spanish history. #LasNavasDeTolosaBattle #ReconquistaTurningPoint #MedievalSpanishHistory #ChristianVsMuslimIberia #HistoryShortsByDormino #CrusadeInSpain #AlmohadCaliphate #LatinHeavyCavalry #MedievalMilitaryClash #BattleOf1212 #SpanishReconquest #MilitaryHistoryMoments