AngularJS For Everyone Tutorial #19 - Angular Directives Explained

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HTML is great for declaring static documents, but it falters when we try to use it for declaring dynamic views in web-applications. AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application. The resulting environment is extraordinarily expressive, readable, and quick to develop.
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While I understand the need for component development, I am not a huge fan of ReactJS implementation of it. Currently I have focused on Polymer (Thanks to your videos) and RiotJs (which is phenomenal BTW) as component based frameworks for my toolkit and watching Angular 2.0 coming in.

I am still invested in AngularJS and have found it enjoyable to develop with. Angular 2.0 documentation is very confusing and obviously not production ready. I have seen ES6, ES5 and Typescript variations in tutorials for 2.0.

I still prefer AngularJS implementation of separation of concerns and most notably it's Controller / Routing configurations as my background is mostly server side development. I'll be sad to lose that.

Scott, what are your thoughts on whats going to happen with AngularJS?


For some reasons directive fails with angular-router-ui @version v0.2.15, if you try to put it inside ui-view. Out of ui-view it works.
Can you help me please ? I would also like to try it with your version of angular-router-ui to see if it changes anything.
