Christ & Creation | James White

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2021 G3 National Conference - Session 10

In this session, James White preaches on the conference theme, the doctrine of Christ. He preaches from Colossians 1:15-20.

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

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I never tire of listening to this man of God. Little did I know, that he was instrumental through his books on me finally leaving a certain denomination that twisted scripture. Fast forward 25 yrs., I now have grown so much in my faith, and I owe a lot of that to this man. His books on the "Roman Catholic Controversy", and the "Potter's Freedom" were providential in my journey to where I am at now. Thank you Dr. White.


I appreciate G3 posting these on YouTube!


God bless from Cape Town, South Africa. Sola Scriptura


Thank you Lord for raising all of these men in G3 to defend your scriptures and to proclaim the scriptures truthfully and rightly dividing the word of the truth.


This is wonderful exegesis. Lord that teaching is worked out like this in pulpits across the land.


This is the best camera quality I've seen at a Christian event like this


Great exposition of The Word as always per Dr. James White


If you want a solid start to your theological education real quick, read the Bible and read brother White's books. Praise God for this ministry.


I listened to this sermon yesterday when it was being broadcasted. Thanks God it is saved on the channel. It really blessed my life immensely. Greetings from Argentina to all my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus ❤️


never have i ever heard a preacher who teach on the background in very details.Awesome


Haven't seen Dr. White like this before. I follow his podcast a bit. What a great presentation


A truly God honoring & expository sermon as always. Another home run


Soli Deo Gloria Dr. James, thank you for the great exposition of the scripture and most importantly about the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Listened twice this morning4 months later. Excellent. I was greatly blessed. Thank you for posting. From South Africa.


Listening to this wonderful teaching for the second time despite of his crooked bowtie 🤣


Why does God save me?

I never humbled myself.
I never chose to be saved.
I resisted God's persuasiveness.
I rejected God's righteousness.
I rebelled against God's good will.
I refused to repent.

And, when suddenly I became persuaded of the Gospel Promise, then I knew that I had never done a single thing to contribute to that, but rather the virtue of the cross of Christ is sufficient to affirm God The Son and therein the Promise and the Scriptures, and therein is the persuasiveness of God which overcame me and saved me from my self and my sins and my sinfulness and the condemnation therefor. Then I changed my mind, genuinely sincerely convinced that not only were my sins worthy of death, but also that God's Gospel Promise is true and applies to me by His grace through my belief therein.

In my complete destitution of value, God's mercy unto me shows that God mercies(verb) for merely His own good pleasure and His own good glory; the mercy which shines forth from the cross proves the ineffable Omnivindication of God and is the brightest shining of the Omnivirtue of Christ who is the crown jewel of God's Omniglory, which mercy God has mercied unto me for very good reason (because God is always right and His reason is always very good), which reason is absolutely unrelated to anything virtuous of myself, yet it is related to my sin in that God demonstrates His mercy in saving me a sinner who deserves eternal destruction.

Christ is too worthy, even omniworthy such that we have never honored Him as we ought, and yet I say this not to our shame (for whoever believes in Him is not going to be ashamed) but rather I say it to remind us to keep proper perspective of the Omnihighness of Christ who is worthy that we gladly strive to see Him so, and looking forward longingly for the day when we are going to see Him as He is.


Great message by Dr. White! Thank you!


thanks for sharing all your knowledge. Dios te bendiga James White


This lecture was a first with the Pastor. I was so impressed with (idk what to call him, Mr. White, Pastor White? Author, Theologian, Christian Apologist, Christian Scholar, consultant), I'll address him as Pastor White (until I'm told differently 😁). I was so impressed with Pastor White. I'm a believer of every jot and tittle of the Book! When listening to someone new, you never know what to expect. The Pastor went much further than I thought. He got into the meat of scripture, which is always so rewarding!
His argument at 31:22 is absolutely golden!
His statement at 34:38 deserved a standing ovation! How powerful! How wonderfully true!
My favorites were, 'What is offensive to the secular mind and therefore the secular regimes, is when we not only assert, but then live our lives in light of the claim, that the One that we follow, who has authority in our life, that determines for us what is good and evil is King of all kings, Lord of all lords, he rose from the dead, he had the audacity to say to his disciples and therefore to us, all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth'.
Another fav; 'You don't think the apostles thought Jesus was God do you?'
"I didn't handle that real well" - boy, we've all been there eh?!
My other fav; 'Tell you what, when you prophesy your own death and then when you die, you are raised from the dead and you give evidence of that, we'll listen to what you have to say. But until then, He has the authority!
I'd love a t-shirt with that remark! He Has the Authority! Or He Entered Into His Own Authority (that'd sure be a conversation starter)! Lol!
You can see by the horribly long comment, I am head over heels in love with God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost. Pastor White is an engaging, knowledgeable, thought-provoking, and wise, very wise Pastor.
Pastor White, I absolutely 💯 enjoyed every drop of your sermon! Can't wait until the next! Promise I won't write another loooong comment!
God bless you and yours Sir! In His name! 🙏✝️


Always speaks very clearly. I owe much to Dr Martyn lloyd Jones who always defined truth...definition against the backdrop of blurred lines which abound . Jesus of Nazareth is The Lord
