Death in the Skies - The Tragedy of Pan Am Flight 103 | Free Documentary History

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Since - The Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 | History Documentary

Terrorism is seen as a present-day epidemic, but the families of the 270 victims of Pan Am Flight 103 have lived with it for decades. Bound together by tragedy when a bomb ripped the New York-bound 747 jumbo jet into pieces over Lockerbie, Scotland just before Christmas in 1988, the Flight 103 families faced one traumatic injustice after another. From the early days when an unprepared U.S. government left the relatives to fend for themselves against a greedy, once-iconic airline, to the modern era, when the only man convicted of the crime was set free in a backdoor oil deal with Libya’s infamous dictator, Muammar Gaddafi, the families refused to go down without a fight, harnessing the power of the media in their war for truth and justice.


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Terrorism is seen as a present-day epidemic, but the families of the 270 victims of Pan Am Flight 103 have lived with it for decades. Bound together by tragedy when a bomb ripped the New York-bound 747 jumbo jet into pieces over Lockerbie, Scotland just before Christmas in 1988, the Flight 103 families faced one traumatic injustice after another.


Denice O'Neill, age 21, was on Pan Am Flight 103. She lived across the hall from me at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts, and used to come over and watch TV in the evenings with me and my roommates. She was a pre-med student and was returning to the U.S. after working for two and a half months at a hospital in Nigeria. She was in seat 38K.


It’s astonishing that the lessons of Air India 182 in 1985, more than three years before this, had not been heeded.


I lost my Uncle Irving on this flight, he had caught an early flight home and wasn't originally even supposed to be on the flight. He is dearly missed.


I agree with many of the comments on this documentary. This tragedy hunts me for decades now. I keep coming back to read NTSB files on the investigation, watch new documentaries and rewatch the older ones. This crime has all of the hunting elements of a human tragedy. The hatery, the terror, the innocent victims going about their lives, the group of young students returning home for Christmas after a fantastic student exchange semester in London, the beautiful, large transatlantic aircraft, Christmas, the legendary Pan Am airlines, the bomb, the lost innocent lives in Lockerbie, the family of two surviving sons who die years later in tragic circumstances, the massive crime scene, the blankets on the grounds, the fires, the tv news, the photos of passengers, the goodness of Scottish people’s hearts then and now decades later is all unprecedented. There have been more terrorism attacks ever since but bombing of the Pan Am will always be remembered as one of the greatest human tragedies of our times.


As a Scot now a US citizen, I am proud of my fellow Scots. The compassion & humanity shown by the Scots to these grieving families will never be forgotten! We will never forget the passengers of Pan Am Flight 103 or their surviving relatives. The grace & dignity shown by these families is a lesson to us all. Hold tight your loved ones as tomorrow is not promised to anyone. With the utmost gratitude & respect to the makers of this documentary, thank you!


This happened on my little girl's birthday, December 21st 1988. A year later, 19/12/89 We flew from South Africa to Heathrow airport in London. We were bussed accross to the "internal" flight waiting area to catch a flight to Ireland. Upon entering the lounge, we were surrounded by men & women, all wearing black mourning clothes. They carried bouquets of red flowers & green foliage, with large black/white photographs hanging.
They were the families of Pan Am victims, awaiting their flights to Lockerbie. I spoke to many who shared their stories. It was a very moving time. A woman told me her son had decided to fly home to surprise his family for christmas. They received a call telling them that their son had bern on the Pan Am flight. His body had been found, allowing his family to hold a funeral. Looking at her photograph, he was such a handsome young man. I've never forgotten that.


To the passengers and crew of Pan Am Flight 103 and the 11 people on the ground


My gp, Dr swire, s daughter Flora died on this flight.. he is such an amazing man, this devastated him, he was never the same. RIP Flora.


My cousin was new in the army & his job was to help clear the area of the crash, he was too young to see what he did & still is haunted by it today.


The way the families were treated is beyond disgraceful.


My uncle and aunt lived metres away from the crash site, they were watching tv (Emmerdale), it had just started. Their dog Tara heard the plane coming down before my relatives. Tara jumped up and ran behind the couch. My relatives ran outside and saw the spinning aircraft coming down over their home. 😢


Powerful. A very important reminder of why we must never be soft on terrorism, never make deals with terrorists and hold the state sponsors directly responsible for their proxies. This is the only way the current and ongoing threat will be curtailed. We must honour and never forget the victims of terrorism and never betray their memories in the manner that government leaders have historically done all for the almighty buck. Thank you for sharing this.


I am Australian but of Scottish ancestry and my father was a Senior Check Captain for Qantas and flew 747s. Even though I knew no one on the flight or don't have friends or relatives in Lockerbie, I feel a connection to this story. I feel so moved by the women who washed, ironed and folded the clothes of the victims - it was such an honouring of those who lost their lives in this awful tragedy. The people of Lockerbie taught the world a lesson in humanity with their deep kindness and care. What a outrage that PanAm and the American Government couldn't do the same.


Wow. I never knew how badly the families of the panam victims were treated. And how easily this heinous act of terror could have been prevented 😢


Lots of people die in prison from just one murder, but you release a man who murdered 270? A grave injustice to the survivors of the victims.


I got married in January 1989, about 2 weeks after the disaster. We were driving to the Lake District for our honeymoon and were on the road that passed by the town. The enormous gash in the ground that the plane cut as it fell was shocking and awful to see in real life. It was haunting to pass so close to where so many innocent people lost their lives to evil. We both felt very grateful to be alive that day, and spent most of the rest of the journey in silence. It had a massive impact on both of us.

If I’ve taken anything away from seeing that, it’s been that I’ve tried to always appreciate every day of my life. Every day, I tell the people I love how much they mean to me, because none of us ever know when our lives, or their lives, will suddenly be ended.


My most favorite part of this documentary was the last story told by Alexander's mom. I love every word she spoke.
Although I've never known her pain I do want her to know I can feel her pain.
R.I.P. Alaxander and all the victims from Pan Am flight 103 attack. God Speed 🙏


I was 8 when this happened. It was the first news story that I had ever remembered. I was on a flight to London with my mother to go see my aunt. By the time we got to Heathrow, news had already spread about the crash.


Feb 3 2023 Today I finally understood the significance of this horrific event. Kept me up all night. Very well presented and written . Very very SAD. When will our governments learn? These families who lost loved ones, 259 lost lives over what? Life lessons learned. A very important and significant event in history. Thank you for making this video.
