Punctuation | Types of Punctuation Marks | Grammar for Class 5

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Punctuation marks are symbols that are used to convey meanings and to express ourselves clearly in sentences.
Full stop (.) is used to separate one sentence from another or to mark abbreviations.
Example: I don’t want to go out in the rain.
Comma (,) is mainly used to separate the items in a series.
Example: He has all the latest toys, pens, books and electronic gadgets.
Question mark (?) is used to mark the end of a question.
Example: Has anyone read the latest book by Ruskin Bond?
Exclamation mark (!) is used to show strong feelings or emotions.
Example: What a delightful time I had last evening!
Quotation marks (‘ ‘) are used to include the exact words of a speaker.
Example: The Principal said, ‘Everyone must come to school tomorrow.’
Capital letters are mainly used to begin a sentence, to begin all proper nouns and to write the pronoun I.
Example: Mount Fuji, in Honshu Island, is the tallest mountain in Japan.
Apostrophe (‘) is used to show belonging or possession and shortened forms.
Examples: This is Radha’s book. Mother couldn’t find the book on the shelf.
Grammar Connect 5 @Blueprint Digital
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