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An adventure time edit
song : BMO ai singing Rises the moon by Liana Flores

made with premiere pro
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If ai can make replicate of BMO's voice to sing then making an actual BMO wouldn't be too impossible in the near future.


Man this is nostalgic. Adventure Time just had a way of being so hard hitting at times in a way no other cartoon has done for me.


It is a bit ironic that both the lich and Finn have a shared animated moment, when Finn, being in the world of dead, does not find Jake and finds himself alone, his skin disappears, leaving only his skeleton, revealing the emptiness that was inside him when he lost His brother, on the other hand, the lich takes off Billy's skin when he is with Golbetty, revealing desperation and anger upon knowing that his purpose was not what he really wanted, both demonstrate that even leading a life to which you are "destined", It doesn't always ends in the perfect way, and it's sad because they both end in despair, loneliness and depression😔


I absolutely LOVE that quote that Jake said. “You know what man, I’m glad you’re here. Because dying sucks a little less than dying alone.” Gives me shivers.


_“Ice Wizard. So you have risen again. In olden days I would have rewarded your insolence with death, a thousand fold. Mm.”_


This really hits me on an emotional level. Not only because of BMO's beautiful singing, but because i grew up watching a lot of cartoons and adventure time was my favorite. The show was weird and fun which i loved as a kid, and the messages that it give about stuff like romance, losing a loved one, etc, really made me think about the bigger picture of the world. The characters are really likable (in my opinion) like finn, jake, ice king, etc, and they are a joy to watch. I remember when the show ended and i was sad but accepting of it, because like all adventures, it always has an end.


This makes me memorable and nostalgic. Magnificent!


My brother at 18, passed away recently. Him and I used to always act like Finn and Jake. This story of imagination even in our subject artist dreams this story is something I hold Deer too me and thank you for that edit although it made me cry💚
“blesseed be our wills”


bro finn's cry hit the hardest ngl


I've had people ask me why I call normal errands "adventures". They wouldn't get it.


Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.


As creepy as AI voices are, this proves they can also be wholesome 🥹


Y'know, kids born between 2000 and 2008 had an odd time growing up. We all had that period of watching the shows the 90s kids loved to watch, and saw many of them die out in the late 2000s or early 2010s, and see all the amazing shows, such as Adventure Time, up until is very end.

And by the time all these shows have ended, we all moved on as well. Some still in highschool, most have graduated, and others entering or finishing university...

A lot of great memories with all these shows as kids. For me, it was watching these shows when I would visit my grandparents a few hours away, and stay with them over the weekend or in the summer... Just watching the old Godzilla movies on VHS tapes they kept, or some video game consoles belonging to my father when he was growing up.

It's a weird nostalgia. Not bad, but also not a great feeling. A sort of "That was good" feeling - where you get bit teary-eyed from the sadness, yet smiling from the positive memories.


Honestly just a fantastic video, thank you I love adventure time


Adventure times story is so much more than a kids show.


Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end
Sun digs its heels to taunt you
But after sunlit days, one thing stays the same
Rises the moon
Days fade into a watercolour blur
Memories swim and haunt you
But look into the lake, shimmering like smoke
Rises the moon
Oh-oh, close your weary eyes
I promise you that soon the autumn comes
To darken fading summer skies
Breathe, breathe, breathe
Days pull you down just like a sinking ship
Floating is getting harder
But tread the water child and know that meanwhile
Rises the moon
Days pull you up just like a daffodil
Uprooted from its garden
They'll tell you what you owe but know even so
Rises the moon
You'll be visited by sleep
I promise you that soon the autumn comes
To steal away each dream you keep
Breathe, breathe, breathe


I absolutely love the "realism" of that video and how it refers to the title of the video, "life". Like, it basically shows you aspects and whole spectrum of "being alive". Throughout the video, we can see changes in Finn's mood, going from love and chariness of a brother or being in love, to sadness of breakups and loses.

What i always loved about the Adventure Time series, is an ability to somehow make us relate to characters, whether it's a 1000 years old vampire, some silly robot, or a 13 years old boy. It's about being engaged into what happens on the screen, to sympathize not only for the protagonist, but, basically, any character in the series. That's what makes it so realistic, the show is not centered only around Finn and Jakes adventures, but it also demonstrates how other people (? creatures? idk) communicate and interact with each other, giving us a whole perspective of World of OOO.

Life does not consist only of bad or good experiences, it's always a mix of environmental changes, others people behavior and so on.

And DAAMN, this video shows EXACTLY what i was talking about earlier, so, we see not only those good times of being silly with the friend of yours, not only being romantically attached to someone, but also a fear of losing your loved ones, getting rejected, being desperate, losing hope… AND THEN IT CYCLES, life goes on, and then we once again have "good" or "bad" expiriences. After that "Finn" segment of the video, we see Marceline’s "perspective", her life route. Reuniting with her mother, being scared of losing her, finding Simon, THEN LOSING Simon, crying in despair, all of that, AND THEN WE GET TO SEE ALL OF THEM CRYING, getting hurt, feeling pain, and then you're like: "damn, that's pretty harsh" because just like a minute ago you saw them being happy, having good times and then it suddenly changes in a matter of seconds…
well, that's how life goes sometimes, i guess.

I think i got a little distracted here, sorry for writing a whole essay :/ just wanted to share my feelings about the video and the Adventure Time itself :3

What I don’t like in most edits like this - is their "one-side"-ish kinda stuff. For example, those "edgy" sad/depressed kind edits, where you generally see bad things, rarely any good, or a complete opposite, "pink-glasses", all positive videos. Those just flush you with emotions the author wants you to feel, but in this case, we get to think about it, decide it for ourselves, whether the video is sad, nostalgic, calming, maybe even teaching, and I appreciate the video for giving this choice.

p.s. also sorry for any grammatical/punctuation errors, I’m not an english major, so fell free to correct me in the comments and also share your opinion❤


People who watched this more than once ✨


Ive watched this so many times man, it just makes me feel so nostalgic. I remember growing up with this show, and I miss it. It's crazy to think how much one show can impact your life.


This hits unbelievably hard for me because when I was 13 my brother was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and soon died after. We used to watch adventure time together and our favorite character was BMO so this hit so hard.
