Destiny 2 Lore - So far Echoes Act 1 is not living up to its potential.

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Destiny 2's Lore and Story in the Final Shape might've been excellent, but Echoes isn't living up to the promise of what episodes was meant to be. In its 1st Act it fails to capitalise on the big questions it poses but it also shows the underlying structural problems that seasons used to have and that they are still present in the new episodic model of storytelling.

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personally my biggest disappointment with this season is that we are not actually seeing nessus change. Sure in Breach Executable and the last mission of Act 1 show us what nessus is turning into, but then if we go to the tangle/cistern on patrol, its still the same old nessus. 0 changes. When Caiatl destroyed part of Watcher's Grave with her land tank in season 13, that was one of the coolest worldbuilding things bungie has ever done. Why couldnt they do that again with nessus? Such a letdown


What's bothering me the most is the "Nessus is being changed" line. Ok, where is this change? It looks exactly the same as it has always looked. The only changes we see are during seasonal activity and story missions. It feels like we're gonna end up with another cosmodrome situation, but this time even more outrageous.


1. There needs to be more puzzles, exploration, and mystery. Not just: here's the story, week after week.
2. Bungie, show me, don't just tell me. They bring up many story beats, but don't show you in game.
3. We need less repetition. It gets boring doing the same thing every week. (We need more data for Failsafe, every week.)


I really wish the destinations would actually change. Rather than them only changing in the missions, what a great way to suck the immersion of the "worlds changing and transforming" out of it.
Like nessus has no story to it besides the seasonal stuff, there is no quests there stopping them from doing it!


My biggest problem with this season so far is that Nessus has only changed within the new missions, not the patrol zone


"Ikora will contact you when Act 2 begins" has to be the goofiest quest description.
Gives the impression she'll show up like: "Hello Guardian, Act 2 is beginning, and we are now ready to continue the story. There is a new mission for you to go on. Contact Failsafe, she'll fill you in."


i love how ikora said “saint lets go” and after having a crisis he’s just like “oke” and walks off. like you’re not even going to need convincing at all? just thinking about that osirussy is enough?


I adore failsafe and I have since D2 vanilla. But I have to say that echoes has really made me like her more. Because she’s not supposed to be like dual personalities. She has one personality and a conversation filter that’s broken. And you really see that in her character now as a person who is incredibly lonely, not just physically but socially. She’s awkward and shy and tries to be as helpful as she can so that people keep her around and the conversational filter is supposed to hide that for her but it’s broken so the real person bleeds through it and I think her dialogue shows that a lot more now than it did before.


I don’t like how Bungie creates the these awesome changes to the environment in the missions, but then in patrol nothing is there.


I think that Bungie should try what Square Enix does with FFXIV. When a new patch releases after the main expansion (5.1, 5.2, etc.) It gives you all of the story while still progressing the overall story of the expansion/game story (Hydaelyn and Zodiark 10 year storyline). Within each of these patches, you get the new content and can play it at your own cadence. Rarely any time gating, except waiting for the next patch. I think that could work for Destiny, especially now that we are heading into a new story


"To be Continued"...

In Act 2 of Echos.

In about 2 or 3 weeks.


It would be cool if you had the vendor moving around the world week to week when you have to meet up with them. Like meeting crow in different places around the dreaming city when trying to find fikrul.


My cope of the day is that maybe, just MAYBE, this episode was starting its development before they decided to switch from seasons to episodes so maybe future episodes won’t follow this same formula. It’s possible that this episode was not so far that they couldn’t adjust the pacing a bit, but too far developed to completely alter the style of the delivery


What concerns me is that there wasn't enough seasonal story to milk over the time period of act 1. We've got 2 weeks of no new story before Act 2 releases July 16th.


Failsafe is a treasure and I want to be able to take her with me everywhere


I was genuinely flabbergasted by how threadbare Echoes has felt and how abruptly the act ended. In a typical three act story structure, by the time you've reached the end of act 1, you at least know what's at stake, there's something that escalates tension and conflict into act 2, and there's... kind of none of that. I just feel like we've been floundering around on Nessus picking up samples and doing busy work without any revelations or cliffhanger to lead into the next act. Idk, I guess we'll see.


also to all the people saying “let’s just give them the benefit of the doubt and wait till episode two”

1. Bungie does not and rarely has ever deserved the benifit of the doubt in regards to “is this content well put together?”

2. You’re gonna be saying that till frontiers


Here to say: Many of the seasons I've experienced through being drip fed content were boring and stale. I started in Season of Defiance but I, now, wait until the majority of the seasonal story is out to participate in it. It's made a large majority of them feel incredible(save for if I can stay spoiler free).


5:40 I think they should put like community challenges like the weekly fishing to unlock the next step, so it seems more in lore than just wait.


My hope is that Act 1 was much more seasonal because 1) it was initially built when the seasonal model was still the main focus 2) they dont want to put everything into Act 1 while theres still many people doing the main expansion stuff. Its the same logic as the first season of an expansion is generally weaker. Regardless though these criticisms can be helpful for Episodes 2 and 3 to have more oomph as those are still in development.
