Russia Orders Troops to Leave Ukrainian City of Kherson

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Russia ordered its troops to leave Ukraine’s city of Kherson, the first major regional center seized in its invasion, in a highly symbolic setback for President Vladimir Putin.

With Kyiv’s forces pressing their counteroffensive in the region bordering occupied Crimea, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in a televised briefing Wednesday ordered the troops to withdraw from the western bank of the Dnipro River and move to the other shore.

“I understand that this is a very difficult decision,” Sergei Surovikin, the general in charge of Russian forces, told Shoigu in proposing the move. “At the same time, we will save the lives of our servicemen and, in general, the combat capability of the group of troops, which is futile to keep on the right bank in a limited area.”

Putin, who has taken a personal role in most major elements of the campaign, wasn’t shown in the televised meeting.

The retreat marks another major defeat for the Kremlin after Ukraine retook large areas of territory around Kharkiv in the east over the summer. Kherson was the first regional capital to fall in Russia’s Feb. 24 invasion and was among the territories the Kremlin claimed to annex in illegal referendums held in September. Putin said at the time the areas would be Russian forever.

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"We must also take into account the threat to the civilian population"- that resides in the town we are occupying by military force. How sweet


Surely the Russian soldiers are glued to tv sets on the battle field to take instructions from their command


Sorry you wrote this wrong Ukraine kicked them out of Kherson and Russia ran to the mic's and the border next Ukraine will be Liberating Crimea


I'm immune to Ukraine now. It's really not my problem


If we all know the good purpose of our lives that we are all living for. None will waste their time for such useless time of so called of war. It is better to live a peaceful life, no worries no troubles, no headache and no stress. In order to do that everyone must act with kindness and love in every way and everything. We are all worthy to live and just facing our own life with our friends, families and work to live and sustain. And the most important thing above all our great duties in this life is to worship and give thanks to our Almighty God the father for all the blessings in this life and be the best version of your life that what God wants us to be and not killing each other, not distraction and not wasting the life that God Almighty gave us all to used the life wisely, repent, do good and to worship. We are all carried away for so much thing in this world that makes us blinded that we can't even see and realize our true purpose of existence in this world. I hope everyone see that. In this life all what we have will just stay in this world after death. But what we made and done what is counted in the sight of God do not forget that. It was just like a blindfold that covering us all to see the light that we should walk on. Since from the past everyone makes the same mistakes and it keeps on repeating same way of misunderstanding it was really like every one wants to be the king as I read in some quotes. Each places, countries has it own rules each government that is set for us for peace and order for we all have our own minds to decides for making decisions. If its not on that way we are all lost without each countries laws. We are all workers they were also have job to be done. Nothing personal as the same way of some other sort of job government or non government. God created those ruler and rules because God knows what is better for everyone. As from the past we all need to see and learned from every wrong decision that others did and what will happen and how bad the results of making War. Think always for the good of others. And be contented and just move on and live a worthy living. Not every one is perfect accept each other mistakes and just make it better. May God Almighty help us all. We are all responsible for each and every one. We all need to be happy and survive to live and just carry own the life that God gave us to use it for good. We can only enter to the holy city with God if we make it our life worthy while we live that thing cannot be hidden to God for He see's the heart and mind thought of His creations. Do not be so carried away of the bad things that the devil in disguised you to be a bad version of yourself because bad thing were all belongs to the devil remember that if you go with the wrong evil this while you live in this world you know whom you'll end up do not think that is for God. Easy to understand and know. Please stop every wrong understanding that you all guys think of because that is not the right way. As you can see how the process here in this world in heaven in the holy city were God lives there is no excuses once failed you can't go back and try it again. And like what I am always saying there is no second life so do not waste your life let say just kill yourself and say to yourself you are save and live with God. That is what you call suicide and you take the life that God gave to you to worship Him and to use it for good. No short cut and no second chances remember that. I want everyone to know that because I know there are some thought them the wrong thing on how to live their life in a wrong way. I hope that makes you simply understand what God wants us to be. We may live in a wrong past but for us long as God wants us to be His people and to be worthy to inherit to live in the Kingdom of Heaven the Holy City in the day of Judgement day where we all judge. Choose to be live the good life the good fight of life the fight of chances to be worthy to be save in the day of Judgement day. And do not too focus on the fight that makes us all blinded to see what really God wants us to be. This life was just our daily way of life where it was all judged at the end times. Be worthy as always. In that way you can simply guide your self on how to live a truly good life. We are all especial to God but it is all in our hands to choose where we wants to live in the end with God Almighty or with the devil who created all the evil things in this world that makes people blindly to see the true purpose in life. Thank you for time reading my message. The only truth in this word was the word of God in the holy scripture our greatest guidance to see the life that God wants us to be, with guidance and corrections to see our mistakes and directs us in the right paths. Just open your heart and mind because it is not hard to understand that everyone can easily see the truth. In human there are errors and some changing mind and some they were set of changing it words. But with God holy scripture laws, it never changes its words for us to see the true words of our Almighty God. Thank you.
