Tiger Lily: 'Fiona... You Are The Great Evil' (Once Upon A Time S6E19)

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OUAT S6E19: The Black Fairy

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Poor Rumple both of his parents chose power over him. I guess it runs in the family. So in the end she became the biggest threat to Rumple by changing his destiny. Instead of growing up a hero he grew up as a coward which ultimately lead to him becoming the dark one. He never had a chance


It’s crazy to see how similar Rumple is to his parents. All three were normal people with nothing really extraordinary about themselves, but somehow become powerful wielders of magic. They were too scared to lose that power and chose it over their loved ones. That being said, the three were very patient and manipulative. It took them centuries to fulfill their plans, but they still almost achieved it. In the end though, Rumple was brave enough to do what his parents couldn’t, chose love


You know if Blue Fairy had zapped Fiona a few seconds earlier Rumple would not have gone down the road he did.


Despite her cutting Rumple from his heroic destiny, he still ended up being the hero at the end. He sacrificed his life to save Hook. That's a true hero.


So let me get this straight: Rumple was the Savior but because his mother screwed up, he became the Dark One and Emma was destined as the Savior to stop him. It was a twist I really wasn't expecting but kind of suspected from last season...


Tiger Lily Was Right!
Evil Is Not Born It’s Made.


Am i the only one who would like to see a scene with Rumple, Peter Pan and the Black Fairy? I mean, it would be awesome


That look Blue had when Fiona said she needed her power. She knew immediately what she was gonna have to do


Kind of nice that in the alternate 'villians get the happy ending' world rumple was the savior he should have been


Gold's story just is a long line of heartbreak. That's a lot of weight for one character to bare.


The Blue Fairy was literally the main villain in OUAT and you cannot convince me other wise. Lets talk about the Regina and Tinkerbell situation. Regina was suffering from a broken heart due to the betrayal from Snow White and Tinkerbell was helping by taking some pixie dust to help find Regina’s soulmate. Regina being who she was at the time chickened out (which is understandable) they found out that Robin Hood was her soulmate (a.k.a. The man with the lion tattoo) but the Blue Fairy banished Tink before she could even help Regina to find the confidence to talk to Robin. If Tink managed that, then Regina would most likely have healed her broken heart and forgiven Snow White and moved on with Robin and she most likely would NEVER had become the Evil Queen 😭 but Blue literally prevented all that from happening and she probably knew too. and you can’t convince me to think that she didn’t know because she can figure out who’s gonna be the next Savior but she didn’t know of the great Evil Queen that would come out of Regina due to a broken heart Tinkerbell was gonna help fix????


"Will spend everyday trying to find my way back to you!" Then after a few hundred years when black fairy first meets Rumple and she realised he's her son she's literally like meh, how did I care that much, "you can keep wondering Rumplestiltskin" still leaving him disappointed again


So correct me if I'm wrong but, Fiona options were A:to sever her power so she'd no longer be the cause of her son's death as he was the savior but still let her son die. B: sever rumple's destiny so he wouldn't be the savior, creating a vacuum for a new one, keep her power and remain the great evil so she could protect herself and her son. C: sever both her and rumple's destinies and create a vacuum for a new great evil and savior. Or D: sever neither destiny and be forced to kill her own son or die, because of some prophecy. It seemed like a lose-lose-lose-lose situation for her.


Lol . So Rumple didnt get to be the saviour and ended up being the dark one 😂 How ironic


Blue's first thought was to banish her to a dark realm lol.


Wait... Maleficent's daughter also had a crescent moon
* mindblow *


You know the whole "evil made this winter, destined to die against each other." describes Pan more than The Black Fairy. Because he actually died then.


This proves the saying "Too much of a good thing can turn into a bad thing" to be true.


The writers had so much fun with these characters.


Honestly, I blame Blue for all this. All of this "vague future telling" made Fiona obsessed and she became her own worst enemy. In fact, Blue closed a time paradox. By knowing a great evil was after Rumple, she initiated a chain of events that put him in danger. I know it's a hot take but, Blue in my opinion was responsible for a lot of the things that went wrong. If she had never came to inform Fiona that Rumple was a "savior" to defeat a "great evil" then the great evil which eventually became Fiona, never would have been created.

Which makes me wonder... Was Blue's future knowledge about someone else, or was it Fiona the whole time?
