springboot - Wrapping json object / response in jackson serialization #coding #springboot

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This video demonstrates how to wrap an Object json in Jackson.
This tutorial is using spring-boot framework. To make it quicker to create a POJO / Dto Lombok has been used. The idea is to enable jackson feature that allows wrapping response JSON in rest api under some keyword. For example, if I want to serve all my responses inside data like {"data":{...my_response}}, then I will need to enable this feature. See the video to get full understanding of how it's done in springboot.
The code is available here:-
This tutorial is using spring-boot framework. To make it quicker to create a POJO / Dto Lombok has been used. The idea is to enable jackson feature that allows wrapping response JSON in rest api under some keyword. For example, if I want to serve all my responses inside data like {"data":{...my_response}}, then I will need to enable this feature. See the video to get full understanding of how it's done in springboot.
The code is available here:-
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