Testosterone & Deca - Is it Worth It? Benefits vs. Risks

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Testosterone and Deca-Durabolin is a classic combination because of its limited conversion to estrogen, anabolic effects, and because it’s reasonably well tolerated. But it comes with risks that may be under-appreciated. I’ve done other videos on this combo, but in this one I take a close look at the benefits vs risks, and cover some new information about whole-body fluid retention and its effects. If you or someone you know is considering this combination, please watch this video!


00:00 - Intro
02:05 - Lower potential for estrogen conversion
03:01 - NPP, Normal doses, effects, well tolerated
03:36 - Joint benefits & collagen synthesis
04:10 - Mood and sex benefits
- Edema / anasarca - water retention & swelling
06:04 - Strong progestogen
06:26 - Hypertension (high blood pressure) from fluid retention
07:14 - Heart enlargement (LVH) from hypertension
08:01 - Ischemic heart disease
08:25 - Dose & duration, side effects vary by potential, plus salt, carbs, & more
09:20 - Mood, fertility, & other issues after stopping deca
10:22 - I've seen underlying injuries worsen in deca users
11:07 - SUMMARY
- It can't be sustained so why would you start?
12:48 - Keep salt down, monitor carbs, get cardio

Stay Strong and Healthy,
Dr. O


As the Anabolic Doc, since 2003, I’ve provided men who are using or have used anabolic steroids a confidential, ethical and professional medical venue to discuss their use. I do NOT in any way support the use of any performance enhancing drugs - PEDs, anabolic steroid or other medicine for muscle building or body transformation. The “off-label” use of PEDs, as such agents is considered illicit and may lead to adverse health outcomes. Please consult an expert health professional regarding any medical agent and do NOT use any medicine without the explicit advice and supervision of an appropriate medical expert.

This video is for education and information only. This is not medical advice. Only take medications as prescribed by your doctor. Do not take illegal substances. Taking steroids can lead to serious health consequences.

#Testosterone #Deca #DecaDurabolin #TRT

Рекомендации по теме

My little brother was in a near death car accident about 17 years ago. He crushed his femur, amongst other things. The doctors said it would take 3 -4 months before he could walk again. I took it upon myself to administer him with 400 mgs of nandrolone decoanate, and 200 mgs of test cypionate every ten days. He was up and walking within 9 weeks.


Im a male with CAH. Im prescribed Cypinate 180mg per week and Deca 100mg per week. Even at 100mg I notice the biggest difference in everything. My metal clarity comes back, my achy joints stop hurting, my energy levels are insane and actually stops me from fading from the testosterone my severe depression (depressed for no reason) all goes away. I naturally produce to much androgens caused from elevated levels of DHEA 800-850 . All I know legally prescribed gear literally has saved me from wanting to put a bullet in my head.


I’m 50y, living in Dallas and I’m taking 200mg of Testosterone and 100 of Deca from TRT National and I’m feeling Amazing. My blood pressure 111 /75 for the past year. I have not eating junk food at all for 13 months.


I feel like this guy is talking to me when I watch his videos. I love how he does this for us so that we can make more informed decisions. Thank you for all you do Doc.


I ran Test E at 300mg/week and Deca at 150mg/week for 12 weeks. I was 42 y/o and I have pain in my knees and elbows from years of training. During my cycle the pain went completely away. I felt brand new and my workouts were phenomenal. I didn’t have any sides at all except for some sleep issues and maybe some increased anxiety, but that’s it. No ED issues and my libido was through the roof constantly. I’ll probably add in some more cycles of Deca occasionally just for the pain relief alone. At my age with all of the training the Deca provides excellent benefits. Just keep the doses as low as possible.


Just did this cycle. Deca and cyp. Good gains, zero libido loss, actually went up, and the chronic pains in my shoulder went away while on it.


I started on Deca only in 2014 (Age 45) due to bad knee pain, and it was amazing. Have only been off for 6 months due to knee replacement surgery. I have since tried most of the available steroids. I have come down to test/deca only and its still a life saver. I have arthritis and fibromyalgia but a healthy diet and a couple weekly injections keeps me alive and kicking.


Deca has always been good to me. :D I get the biggest gains on it, but as long as I can still walk when im older, that alone is a good enough reason to use it for me. My girlfriend was having hives for over a month and I gave her a small dose of Deca, and until this day no hives ever came back. Amazing stuff.


100mg T 50mg D per week may sound low but is sustainable for TRT and can still give the joint pain relief and protection.


I have used 50mg of Deca every three weeks for three months along with 100mg of Testosterone Enanthate every week to heal various joint injuries and it was more than enough for me.


I do a 100 mg deca/100 mg test (alternating weekly) for an 8 week cycle. I do it maybe once a year. It tones me up and has really helped my joints. The results are noticeable. I have never had any side effects apart from the slimming of the waist.


I am currently on 200mg Test Cyp a week, taken in two shots per week, and 100mg a week Deca, two shots a week. I feel great. Been on this protocol for 3 months. My blood pressure is good, don't notice much in the way of water retention. I also take a low dose aspirin, and donate blood every 6-8 weeks. Recent blood work showed total Test at 950 and free at 18.

Addendum: I am currently 48 years of age.


500 deca, 500 EQ, 600 test E per week. No progesterone problems, only 1 Arimadex per week if needed. Been on it for over 16 weeks. I feel good


Im 4 weeks into Sustanon 250 (100mg weekly) / decca (100mg weekly) / anavar (20mg daily). I have noticed DRAMATIC improvements with my injuries (ACL tears, rotors cuffs etc). I find during and after a workout arthritic pains are non existent, i noticed this from the 2nd day. I find im getting tired earlier on in the evening than im used to, probably due to the fact im working out twice a day. Ive gained roughly 8kg of size, nothing in my wardrobe fits me anymore. Nothing negative to say regarding labido, im still bashing it like it owes me money.


7 months on TRT at 200mg and just moved it up to 300mg and using deca for 6 weeks started at 150mg now at 200mg. I do my blood work every 3 months to make sure im good 👍🏼 everything is still running fine, sex life is a blast.


I love how he lists everything on screen!


I have been on Deca and Test C for the last 5 years. Test C(TRT) 140mg per week and 60mg Deca a week. I love my recovery time in the gym. I have had HBP before TRT and it is controlled by meds and nothing has had changed over the years


I run 1 of test and 1 of deca once a week... my first cycle and im showing much improvement


15 years TRT and 2 years with deca. Labs and ECHO's are great. BP is 130/80. Im 39yo.


I've used Test with Deca for 2 years now. Test 400 and Deca 100 / week. Deca really helped my knee and shoulder injuries but I am careful with increasing the weights. Instead more reps and sets to prevent injury.
