Pope Francis: The 60 Minutes Interview

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In a rare interview, Pope Francis answers questions on global conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, migrants in the U.S., sexual abuse in the church, and more during a conversation with Norah O’Donnell.

"60 Minutes" is the most successful television broadcast in history. Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast began in 1968 and is still a hit, over 50 seasons later, regularly making Nielsen's Top 10.

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Respect to 60 minutes for leaving the comments open.


I love his comment - "You can criticize a country's govt. . . . but not a people, " as a way of avoiding being anti-Palestinian or anti-Jewish. He also exhorts us not to be "hard-hearted" and "indifferent" like Pontius Pilate and try to wash our hands of the wrongs we see happening. This is a pope of exemplary courage and caring!


Jesus dined with sinners - but they came away changed, not him.


Listening to secular people talk to or about Catholicism is so frustrating. The language they use proves they understand nothing about the Church. Like labeling the priesthood's nature (a male vocation) as a "policy" like some meeting was held 2, 000 years ago and we just need a better HR department 🙄


Pray for our Pope and the Catholic Church 🙏


This video enlightened me on how much the media does not interview to listen, but interviews to gain more agency in moral arguments. Pope Francis is asked ridiculously cornering questions, cut off before finishing his statements, and poorly restated by the interviewer. Pope Francis did better at handling that than many others leaders I've seen.


Pope Francis is what a Pope should be; holding the line, a balance in a good way, between tradition and human change and progress. Not being either too traditional or too modern. It is a delicate balance and he does it well. He also comes across as human and compassionate, not judgmental or authoritarian. These attitudes are much needed, and often in short supply today, in politics, and in all walks of life. A great interview, the interviewer hit all the right notes. Thanks 60 minutes and thanks Norah O’Donnell.


No matter how much the devil tries, he can't bring down the Catholic Church.


I’m glad the pope was able to correct a recent story that said the pope blessed homosexual marriage . He said he blessed each individual but NOT the union .


I'm not even Catholic, but Pope Francis gives me hope for the Christian faith ❤


The Church must accept all people but not everything!


Eph. 6. [12] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.1 Corinthians 13:4–8a (ESV)
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.


I was delighted to see one of Francis's favorite paintings on the wall (above and between them). "Mary, Untier of Knots" has a wonderful story that goes with it, and it also played an important role in the pope's life. Of course, there is also a novena that goes with the painting. It's worth checking out.


All I know is that when CBS 60 minutes tells me something, someone more powerful than me wants me to believe that that something is true for their own benefit.


Pope Francis is about love. War is all mankind wants these days. Hate and evil manifest themselves in the wars in Gaza, Ukraine, South Sudan and even here in the US. Thank you Norah. Great interview. God bless you.


9:21 is a total edit right? He was about to expand upon "it's a human fact..." but you cut it, and it's really obvious. Why?


The painting is Our Lady Undoer of Knots! Beautiful


Please provide link to entire interview. Editing here was incredibly frustrating to watch.


Please know the church accepts all people. Anyone can walk into church.

But don’t ask for approval on the way you live life? If you think you are living life how you should, why seek approval unless you are doing something wrong? Ppl don’t go to church to seek approval. When you go to mass, while it is a celebration you are walking at calvary. You are telling the Lord your sins - you are repenting, and ready to be made a anew by receiving the Holy Eucharist where you receive the Holy Spirit.

So now that you know you can go to mass what do ppl mean by “Church must accept all…like gay and abortion”. Sounds like seeking approval at all cost when the stance is “no same sex marriage” and “prolife”.

But even when you aren’t these things, you can still go to church. The doors are never close. Even sinners go to church and that includes everyone.

But to receive Holy communion you must receive the sacraments and confess your sins. Don’t expect to receive sacraments for marriage when you know God does not approve. But even when you sin, God loves you like a mother would love a child. God loves all, what is love? Love is staying quiet when you want to yell. Love is loving the other without possession. Love is being tempted by sin and not acting upon it.

The church does so much for women who have gone through abortions, and regret or are scarred by it. So if something is so right, like abortion - why do some women become traumatized and seek shelter in “women’s houses”?

God does not leave anyone behind, ppl leave God behind. We hear to often “Walk with Christ”, when in reality Christ is dying to walk with you, while you are running away.

So if you are gay, you are pro- abortion go to church with an open mind. Funny, when ppl blame the church for being closed minded. So walk what you preach and go with an open mind, listen to the Word. Keep the sabbath Holy, that is the first step, out of a bazillion things you have yet to know and learn.


Her family immigrated legally to the USA. That is not illegal migration.
