CNPen | Certified Network Pentester | TheSecOps Certificate

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Certified Network Pentester (CNPen) exam, an intermediate-level certification from our professional exams bundle. This fully practical, 4 hour long, exam tests your knowledge and skills in core concepts of network security, including both internal and external network penetration testing.
Note: The CNPen exam is also listed in the preferred pathway for SynAck’s SRT criteria.

Why Choose the CNPen Exam?
Intense, hands-on exam designed for network security enthusiasts
Real-world pen testing scenarios with no need for report submissions
Instant score and pass/fail certificates upon completion
Online, on-demand availability with one free retake if needed
Industry-recognized and affordable certification
Additional Resources:
Full exam syllabus available on the CNPen exam page
Independent resources listed for exam preparation
Free mock exams to familiarize yourself with the format, syllabus, and difficulty level
Prepare with our free mock exams and resources listed on the CNPen exam page. Register now to boost your network security career!
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