President Moon arrives in New York for talks with Trump, UN General Assembly

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문대통령 유엔총회 위해 뉴욕 도착, 트럼프와 한미정상회담 예정

Our top story this evening...
It's one of the biggest holidays of the year in South Korea,... but the country's president Moon Jae-in is hard at work in New York City.
He arrived in the Big Apple on Sunday afternoon, local time, to attend the 73rd UN General Assembly.
The South Korean leader will hold a number of bilateral meetings on the sidelines, including one with U.S. President Donald Trump.
Our Blue House correspondent Hwang Hojun starts us off.
While this will be the second time President Moon has appeared at the international forum since his inauguration, his presence in New York this time will likely draw a lot more international attention since the 2018 Inter-Korean Summit Pyeongyang is still fresh in people's minds.
On Monday morning, he will first attend an event to raise awareness of the global drug abuse issue, co-sponsored by 28 countries.
He is scheduled to hold a bilateral summit with U.S. President Donald Trump in the afternoon to likely brief his U.S. counterpart on the results of the Pyeongyang summit, and quite possibly relay a personal message from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
Presidents Moon and Trump are also expected to sign their countries' revised Free Trade Agreement.
Soon after, a separate meeting is scheduled with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, which will mark their fourth encounter since President Moon took office.
On Tuesday, President Moon will meet with his Japanese counterpart, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, where he will also likely explain the results of his visit to North Korea and discuss how Seoul and Tokyo can cooperate to achieve denuclearization and lasting peace on the Peninsula.
He will then give a policy speech to about 250 U.S. experts and opinion leaders from thinktanks including the Council on Foreign Relations, the Korea Society, and the Asia Society, where he is expected to discuss the strides that have been made in inter-Korean relations over the past year,...
and his vision for future steps that South Korea and the U.S. can take together to achieve irreversible peace on the Peninsula.
President Moon will deliver a keynote speech at the UN General Assembly, once again, on Wednesday afternoon; he will likely return back to Seoul on Thursday night Korea time.
Separate one-on-one meetings with other government leaders will also likely take place.

First, he briefed the South Korean people, immediately after his return from North Korea last week.
And now, during his stay in New York City, President Moon Jae-in will have a chance to address a global audience on the results of his three-day summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
Hwang Hojun, Arirang News, New York.

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Рекомендации по теме

Proud of you my dear president Moon.
Thank you for jaw-dropping work.
We support you and God will do as well.
Be strong as our heart will be with you always.


Everybody's freaking out cuz of the news anchor's outfit, meanwhile noone bats an eye when there's an asian guy in a tuxedo.
Just show's you who has won the culture war.


Ambassador for Peace. Michail Vashkevich-Bulgaria.
Уважаемые “Посланники мира", дорогие братья и сестри, мы за мирное
обьединение Корейского народа. Прошу вас распространить наше обращение по всем
институциям в Америке, Европе, Азии. “Это печальный момент для истории".
Трамп отменил встречу с Ким Чен Ыном. Дональд Трамп уведомил Ким Чен Ына, что
намеченная на 12 июня встреча не состоится. Соответствующее письмо президента
США опубликовано в twitter Белого дома. Free speech for Belarus; ``Наземная операция
или вмешательство третьих сторон". Пентагон разработал сценарий войны с
КНДР. Америка ты правоцируеш вьетнамский вариант обьединения Корейского народа.
Америка руки прочь от Кореи, немедленно убери военные базы из Корейского
полуоствова. Корейский народ обьединится добровольно, как обьединилась
Германия, без жертв и кровопролития. Америка, ты уничтожила и изколечила
милионы наших братьев и сестер во Въетнаме, /зашто?,
почему?, зачем?/, а сейчас правоцируеш такое же уничтожение корейского народа.
Въетнамский народ имеет право ненавидеть тебя ближайшие сто лет. Так же будет и
с корейским народом. Читать  
. Free speech. С уважением к памети преподобного Сан Моон Муна, посвятившим
жизнь мирному объединению своей Родины Кореи.


General Kim Jong-Un approves his outfit


도통~무슨 말인지 이해는 못하지만
뉴스에서 다 본 내용이라 생각하고~
좋아요 누루고...ㅋㅋ
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Am I the only person first react to the news anchor’s outfits? Wtf 🤣🤣


Is he reading the news from a NY Hotel with its bath robe?
