(483) ESP32 precision GPS receiver (incl. RTK-GPS Tutorial). How to earn money with it (DePIN)

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Determine your location to the centimeter around the globe? For everybody, not only for the military? Only with an ESP32 and a decent GPS receiver module? Not possible! Wrong; it is possible by using real-time kinematics. You can even earn money by building a base station and connecting it to a global network (Decentralized physical infrastructure network)!.
When I got a board from Michael, a viewer of this channel, I was hooked on trying to understand this relatively new technology. Are you interested, too? Then, follow along.


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Please order the "S" type of the antenna (all band). It is in the same link I provided.


Part of the reason that the US Military stopped degrading signals after the Gulf War is because scientists and land surveyors had already figured out how to get drastically improved results even with the degraded signals. But RTK is even better with non-degraded signals we all have access to today. I love this video!


I too pay my respect to the engineers 40 years ago who devised this technology. Amazing


Knowing how GPS works only makes it seem more impossible. The precision is hard to comprehend.


Absolutelly great video. I looked at RTK 10years ago and it was just out of reach.. Now it seems nearly magically simple.. Amazing times.


The first GPS receiver I used was a Sony Pyxis in 1992. It chewed through a pile of AA batteries in just a few hours and it took something like 10 minutes to lock on every time, and it couldn't deal with even a little bit of tree cover or heavier clouds. I now have a < $100 watch that can get a lock INSIDE a lot of the time in just a few seconds and can track for many hours on a tiny internal battery.


As your subscribers we too want more. I would second the suggestion already made by a viewer: another video on base station setup. I was hoping this video would cover that but that would have made it too long. I know you weren't planning on doing one but I and I'm sure others would very greatly appreciate it. At any rate, thanks very much for the video - very interesting technology. All the Best!


I'm an engineer in Brazil, power electronics and lately developing circuits for use in the field in agriculture. The use of RTK was discussed the year before last, but it was not applied Brazil everything is very expensive and bureaucratic. It was used for planting with tractors. Today this idea was abandoned and they hired the company Kimble .. today my project consists of lora modules with the llc68.. where each device has 4 inputs, 4 isolated outputs, 1 GPS, and a Gateway with just 1 GPS module and covers 5km.. tractors, gates, motor pumps, sirens, everything done by this system...your videos are the best...congratulations


Fun fact: the GNSS satellites constantly apply corrections to their timers, because they move fast enough and need to measure time precise enough that relativistic time dilation becomes relevant. 🙂


I've got one of those gps guided mowers, Luba 2. It is mind blowing how precise it is. It runs right up to my curb consistently. RTK is a gamechanger.


Crazy! I’ve been into AG RTK for over 15 years for sure and probably have close to 500k into gear.
Warms my heart to see you put together a base station for $300! I want to say my first station way back then was $50k!


Your explanatory videos are stupendously useful Andreas. Thank you!


God bless our engineers! We owe our cellphones, computers, tv's, and all other 'smart' objects to their ingenious work! Respect!


This is revolutionary. I'm a road surveyor/inspector in the US and use a Trimble RTK receiver with my state's free correction network over a 4G hotspot and it gives me awesome accuracy in the field all by myself but it cost $20k for the receiver (6 years ago) and when I opened it to replace a part, it was layer after layer of complicated circuit boards. To think it's been simplified this much is inspiring. Now if only I can find a way to do DIY tilt-compensation for the pole I'd mount it on.


I love how you structure your videos and set the expectations at the beginning. Marvelous work for educational content. Thank you.


Thank you. I have anxiously awaited this episode since you hinted you would explore this topic.


This is the best tech video I've seen all day. It is clear and information dense.


Dude with the Swiss accent, you are awesome! Thanks so much for sharing this information with us! I love your content! ❤️


Yet again I learned a lot from this video of yours, Andreas. Super.


Hope you’re doing well Andreas. Going from studying your videos to working in industry has certainly dampened my passion, but thank you for everything you do. It’s great to be reminded of why I do this to myself 😃
