Python Digital Clock Program | How To Create Digital Clock Using Python Tkinter - PYTHON TUTORIAL

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Python Digital Clock Program | How To Create Digital Clock Using Python Tkinter - PYTHON TUTORIAL | Make a Simple Clock Using Python | Digital Clock in Python

In this video we will learn how to code a simple digital clock in python.

Moreover, we will try to cover following topics in this video:
1. Python Tkinter Package and how Tkinter is simply amazing for coding python simple programs.
2. How Tkinter code is used to create and program simple digital clock program in python.
3. How to define time function to make clock in python.
4. How to use mainloop for continuous loop for your python clock.
5. How to config python clock format and change parameters like font, background and foreground color.

The program is just 15 lines of code to create your simple digital clock in Python, Isn't it super amazing and fun!
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