Kosem Kisses Sultan Ahmed | Magnificent Century: Kosem

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Kosem Kisses Sultan Ahmed | Magnificent Century: Kosem

Sultan Ahmed Khan's great love, the three sultans valides, the lover of the people of Istanbul, the most powerful Ottoman women ever; the enormous Kösem Sultan…
That name; cihan state will successfully rule the Ottoman Empire for forty years, will be the sole protector of the dynasty, will win the love of the masses, will be counted with power and grandeur ... Kösem Sultan, as the most powerful woman the East has seen, the dizzying power will take everything from one hand to the other. Adamı He will sacrifice the man he loves, his family, friends and sons… But first; innocence ...

Sultan Ahmed Han'ın büyük aşkı, üç padişah validesi, İstanbul halkının sevgilisi, gelmiş geçmiş Osmanlı kadınlarının en kudretlisi; muazzam Kösem Sultan…
O isim ki; cihan devleti Osmanlı’yı kırk yıl boyunca başarıyla yönetecek, hanedanın yegâne koruyucusu olacak, kitlelerin sevgisini kazanacak, kudret ve ihtişamla bir sayılacak... Kösem Sultan, Doğu’nun gördüğü en güçlü kadın olarak adını yazdırırken baş döndürücü gücü her şeyini elinden teker teker alacak… Sevdiği adamı, ailesini, dostlarını ve oğullarını kurban verecek… Ama önce; masumiyetini…

El gran amor del sultán Ahmed Khan, la madre de tres sultanes, el amante del pueblo de Estambul, la más poderosa de las mujeres otomanas de la historia; el gran sultán Kösem…
Es un nombre que el estado de Jihan gobernará con éxito el Imperio Otomano durante cuarenta años, se convertirá en el único protector de la dinastía, ganará el amor de las masas y será considerado uno con poder y gloria... Mientras Kösem Sultan escribe su nombre como la mujer más poderosa que Oriente haya visto, su poder vertiginoso le quitará todo... ella sacrificará al hombre que ama, a su familia, a sus amigos y a sus hijos... pero primero; su inocencia…

الحب الكبير للسلطان أحمد خان ، والدة ثلاثة سلاطين ، عاشق شعب اسطنبول ، أقوى النساء العثمانيات على الإطلاق ؛ السلطان العظيم كوسم…
إنه اسم ستحكم فيه ولاية جيهان بنجاح الإمبراطورية العثمانية لمدة أربعين عاما ، وتصبح الحامي الوحيد للسلالة ، وتكسب حب الجماهير ، وتعتبر واحدة ذات قوة ومجد... كما كتبت كوسم سلطان اسمها كأقوى امرأة شهدها الشرق على الإطلاق ، فإن قوتها المذهلة ستأخذ كل شيء عنها... سوف تضحي بالرجل الذي تحبه وعائلتها وأصدقائها وأبنائها ... ولكن أولا ؛ براءتها…

#MagnificentCenturyKosem #KosemSultan #SultanAhmed
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I wish Ahmet remembered that Kosem was the one who went into the room when he had small pox while everyone had left him for dead. And she was the one who got the rebellion under control. For all of his supposed love for Kosem he bed other concubines on a regular basis, even getting angry on Kosem when she got jealous. Like Suleiman from the previos season. Historic Sulieman was different than they portrayed in the series, history says there was no one after Hurrem, I wish that there was no one after Kosem for Ahmet too.


What Usman Ghazi started and what they become, this is not what he dream of. they all faild him sadly.


I don't know why but i really happy Caterina lose and ending Anastasia sleep with Ahmed 🤭😅


Why he need other women when he have a angel and queen like kosem ..strange .😤


Y’all should go and see Jealous Hurrem. Kosem’s expressions are nothing to that 😂


Kosam Sultana so beautiful and cute smile 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


Kosem is the most powerful woman in ottoman empire


Its islamic history why they showed these type of seens in it 😡😡


I prefer the actor who played iskender to be sultan Ahmed coz I think he and kosem have great chemistry. I hope they make a romantic series together, I ship them 💕❤️❤️


Harem life must have sucked for the woman.


I am deeply fallen in love with kosem actor❤❤❤❤


Damn how I've missed this show. It's been exactly a year since I've watched this during the onset of the pandemic last year. Great show! Thanks for making this available and free here in YouTube especially for those who live far away from your country, Turkey. This show made me cry, laugh, kept me on my toes, fall in love, and as well as have my heart broken into bits lol. Would love to rewatch this again very soon. Hopefully you'll still keep this show readily available and free by then and always. With lots of love from the Philippines! 💕💕💕


Kosem or muhteşem yüzyıl.
Come on! Answer


Bulbul agha is kinda "funny" here, even though Sultan ask him to prepare the hatun. But the chamberlain already said that Kosem is inside the room, Bulbul agha should just go back. Does he want Kosem be stop at middle progress, come out then let second girl continue the next half? 😂😂


These sultans were lucky, to get these seductive and mesmerising performances each night


Ahmet and Kosem the best actor and actress.


And they also spent the night together


I didn't like to watch kosem becuz there is no strong character like sultan Suleiman


After watching Magnificent century, Hürrem, this movie comes to me as an Aliexpress 😂


I just missed the real Anastasia when she is annocient one
