Meet the Cloudhead Games Devs - EP1: Mike Wilson

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Cloudhead Games is growing, so we figured that we would introduce ourselves once again in a bunch of “Meet the Dev” videos. First up is our Narrative Designer, Mike. Having previously worked on story at Radical and Relic Entertainment, Mike is heading up all things narrative on “The Gallery.”

Michael likes lifting things, eating chicken and talking about getting “swole.” His perfect date would include a protein rich dinner and a stimulating conversation where Mike casually tosses around the word “micro-aggression” with reckless abandon.

Mike is excited to create detail-rich worlds in The Gallery and explore how VR can be utilized to tell an engrossing story. He’s also the guy that writes almost everything on this blog, and has been forced to write in the third person in order to introduce himself.

Well, this just got weird. Go watch the video.
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