Grab these⚒️ Leatherman multi tools while you can!😞

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I'm still waiting for the Leatherman ratcheting bit driver to come back in stock. Maybe next year.


I love my mut and never use it on an AR. the punch and the brass scraper are wildly useful for day-to -day stuff


I really want a crunch. The main issue ive heard about is that it takes too long to take the screw out to use the bit driver, i do hope they make a new one eventually that has something of a quick release.


I've had two MUTs, don't have an AR 15, it's used DAILY as I lay flooring, the pin pusher and hammer are the two biggest reasons I bought it, for pulling door pins, the wire cutters are trash, try to cut a coat hanger and their gone, not good for much more than speaker wire but the rest is a must, need a new blade and punch as they're both broken but it still continuously serves it's purpose, the saw is amazing for finishing up cuts that a table saw might over cut in some instances. Thought I lost my first one, lasted three days and had to bite the bullet and get another, found the first one a month later and then a little while later I did lose the newer one DANG it. I've had since shortly after it first came out and is one of my most used tools next to my work knives, it's an essential tool for my job. If I somehow lose it I'll get another one hands down. Maybe the Signal might work because of the hammer, I have BEAT THE CRAP out of this tool and it just keeps going, and I mean with a hammer, stick the needle nose plier under the door pin and strike the hammer end with a hammer and believe me sometimes they're rusted in solid, the when you get the gap at the top of the pin just grab under the head of the pin and hit the plier from underneath it and again sometimes rusted in and you have to hit it hard to knock them pin up and out. For the last 15 years or so that I've had this first pair except for the blade (my fault for using it as a pry bar and the pin pusher) it hasn't skipped a beat. If Leatherman knew what I put the Mut through I could probably get paid for top salesman or give me a new one. I've turned many people on to this tool. I have OVERLY ABUSED this tool beyond what it should be or is designed for and it's still going strong.


Man I want a Mut! Just don’t know if I would carry the beast in my pocket like I’d like to
