Star Trek Discovery 2x04 Review Part 4 Spore Drive Explained To Fit Into Continuity

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Going through weird organic masses into other dimensions seems like a direct ripoff of Stranger Things and how they travel to the Upside Down. Wouldn't surprise me if CBS is ripping off one of Netflix's most popular shows.


The Federation couldn't benefit from the 100.000 years of knowledge because later in the series Amanda steals their one and only copy.


There can never be a "reasonable" explanation of why they abandoned the spore drive. Even if they concoct some sort of contrived explanation regarding its safety or the damage it causes to subspace or the organisms that exist within the network, are you seriously telling me that nobody in the entire galaxy perused the research? Do you think the Romulans would care about harming other species, or that any of a million other races wouldn't still try to develop this technology? There is no mention of a spore drive in any Trek, and you cannot simply wish it away with nonsense that resembles fan-fiction.

I am saddened, and feel very disenfranchised with the new reality that is "Star Trek"


I have an explanation for you: an omega molecule destroyed the spore you go


These images of Tilly and the spore reminds me of the protomolecule in the expanse, have you seen it?


Horrible horrible show. I tried I really tried and it sucks


The creators have seen all varieties of science fiction, science fantasy except for Star Trek.


The spore drive and spore network belongs in Harry Potter and not science fiction. Good science fiction extrapolates from what is known now in physics to what could be developed in the future. Spore Drive does not belong in Star Trek, no doubt that bum Kurtzmann wanted it after tripping of mushrooms and the white power line.


That and an near infinite amounts of alternative timelines, that have the spore drive active within it. Additionally with every threat agency from the Klingons onwards, are now aware of the spore drive potential, the only way to dissuade them from continuing their research into it would be either to sabotage its first use, or for either the Discovery's or the other agencies drive to suffer such a catastrophic failure that no one else would dare consider pursuing further study into the spore drive.


The economics of the federation is an interesting Idea for a video. I'll say first that I don't think it could work in the real world but I've put a lot of thought into trying to make sense of the federations vague economic system. I know that they explicitly say that they don't have money. But I'd imagine that a society like the federation would probably look socialist to us even if they didn't consider themselves so. With all the technology and resources the federation has you could imagine that the standard of living that is considered the minimum might seem high to us. Imagine trying to explain welfare to someone from the middle-ages. They might not understand why anyone would work in our society. Especially considering that the material things that might motivate someone to work like: TVs; computers; cars; holidays; nicer neighbourhoods, would be unknown to them.

I imagine that in the federation; food; shelter; healthcare; local transport; and education would be free for all citizens. But interstellar travel and access to things, that as 21st century people we wouldn't know about, such as specialist replicators might need someone who's worked. The worker might not have a number in a bank account and this new access to resource might be contextualised as something other than "payment" but practically it'd be the same.

Also the show always left me with the impression that if you want to get resources to do something on a large scale (science outpost or building) you need to gain approval and grants from the federation. You could imagine that you'd need to prove yourself on other projects beforehand to be granted "funding" and that being involved with the work might have perks that affect quality of life. So you could still have the perks for being useful to society without the abstraction of money.


Stamets will sacrifice himself when sealing the mycelial network, and because of that he will be reunited with Hugh in the mycelial network.


In the TNG episode, The Nth degree, Mr. Broccoli brings the Enterprise to an unknown far superior technological species which also gives the Federation vast knowledge. Picard says it will take decades to analyze. The end.


They should have made Stamets a Betazoid and said that his extra sensitive telepathy allowed him to find and access the spore network. His eyes kind of look like a Betazoid.


This show just sounds terrible. It's depressing. Let's hope it improves after the first five episodes when Kurtzman took over.


LOL. Every Kelpian sacrificed himself on the first uprising fear and no one ever waited long enough to overcome that fear.


Granted today's humans are consumed with greed but I'm sure after World War III the global economy and banking system fully was already on the brink (shown when Sisko went back to the 2020's or 2030's as Gabriel Bell), which strangely enough isn't too far off from reality today. After the war, most people were so poor so it took something amazing to get some cash (Zephram Cochran's warp ship). But after the Vulcans showed up for first contact, money probably seemed pretty silly given there's not enough money on the planet to start building starships like crazy. Sisko's dad had a restaurant...I'm sure nobody paid, he just loved what he did. But notice even the greedy humans (Vash) didn't have money per se...just very rare items to trade, and you had to have some real smarts to even do that.


The Fantasy Fallacy:
Don't understand something? Call it fantasy! Or magic if you are an obnoxious nobody!


Maybe they just got the "Warplanet's" Diary and it's nothing more than "I saw a supernova - it was pretty" and such and observations of things that went by it as is aimlessly meandered about the Galaxy.


The Federation not using money is silly, and it isn't mentioned until Star Trek 4. Maybe the economic system change is why they wore those leisure suit like uniforms in The MP. Tech does seem to freeze after The OS. The NG doesn't seem advanced enough.


By what magic hocus pocus does a green glowing tiny piece of fluff that enters Tilly gets to grow to a billion times it's size and mass when it's sucked out of her body?
