Japan Burdensome Solo Stratless - Wolrd Tower Defense

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Loadouts : Engineer , Ninja , Aviator , Assassin , Airstrike
Accessory : Dealmaker (Of course not the cosmetic)
1. (Beginning)
Start with 2 Engineer I (Protect these if you can)
Get 1 Ninja I (For Tank, don't forget to replace when they die)
Get 1 Aviator ( For Floating )
Get 1 Engineer II
Get 1 Engineer III
Upgrade to Engineer IV and spam till dawn
2. Speedster to Avenger
Do not let your Aviator and do not spam ninja ( so the engineer robots can stack and kill terminator easier)
3. Terminator
At this point you gonna be really rich if you only spam Engineer IV (about 30k cash+-) Get max upgraded Airstrike (save for Paladin), Upgrade Ninja to IV, Assassin to IV, Aviator to III and spam those for the rest of the game. (A small tip i think is to set some of the Robot t Ranged so they won't shout the Brute)
4. Paladins
At this point you should spam everything and you will want to Airstrike both Paladins when your airstrike is not on cooldown. (The game will be really close so be focus and don't mind to change the strat or do what you think is need)
Рекомендации по теме

"strat less"
me about to copy everything in the video:
