Nice Didgeridoo Song from Australia

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The didyeridú is a wind instrument, or ancient wind instrument used by Aborigines of Australia. Basically a wooden tube, which is sounded by vibrating lips inside. Is supposed to have 2,000 years of existence. The term didyeridú is not of Aboriginal origin; Castilian is the adaptation of the word "didgeridoo", which is what gave the British in their first forays to the island as onomatopoeia of the sound.

The didgeridoo is made ​​of a 1 m to 2.50 m measured section of a eucalyptus tribe, that of termites hollowed. The light- and temperature-sensitive Termites are limited here to the extremely hard and dry heartwood of the tree still alive and avoid the moisture leading sapwood, which probably is toxic for them. Due to the simple construction and the tourist value of many didgeridoos are now manufactured in rationalized mass housing in non-Australia, from other materials such as teak, jackfruit wood and bamboo.

Also in the modern Western musical culture, there is a didgeridoo-like instrument, which partially pushed into each of two, mutually movable pipes there, whereby the pitch at the game can be changed continuously. Played this instrument is otherwise known as a didgeridoo, the lower end of the instrument, however, must not be placed in order to maintain flexibility. The invention of this Slideridoo, slide didgeridoo or Didjeribone mentioned instrument Charlie McMahon attributed.

The first presently known indications for the presence of the didgeridoo is about 2500-3500 years old rock paintings. Whether the instrument was already known before, can only speculate. In the presentation of the Yolngu the creation beings Ganbulabula from the intended Dreamtime created the didgeridoo and the clan of the Gumatj on the site of today's Garma cultural festivals have passed.

The didgeridoo is often by outsiders because of its shape phallic assigned symbolism and there are similar stories at the moment. In the Dreamtime Aboriginal but this has by Lewis no place, but are the sounds produced by the didgeridoo as the vibrations of the mystical Regenbogenschlange interpreted that they produced when they formed on their way from the ocean to the Australian continent with its mountains and valleys. The Rainbow Serpent is interpreted as a symbol of wisdom.

Making music with the didgeridoo is an excellent training in ear, mouth and respiratory muscles. There is evidence that the widespread sleep apnea syndrome can (breathing arrests) better characterized. It is also possible that playing the didgeridoo, the snoring may reduce.

The didgeridoo is played with continuously vibrating lips to produce the drone while it used a special breathing technique called circular breathing. This requires breathing through the nose while at the same time, exhalation should be done through the mouth using the tongue and cheeks. For an experienced instrumentalist, circular breathing technique allows it to renew the air from his lungs maintaining a note for as long as desired.

Another study carried out in Brazil in 2008, promoted the evidence of several therapeutic effects of the Didgeridoo. The main focus was to reduce anxiety, but along with it also proved to be an improvement in quality of life, reduction of vulnerability to stress and improves breathing with anti-smoking signs.

Didyeridú is classified as a musical instrument in the category of aerophones to reed sores, the didgeridoo can have variable forms: the most common are those conical, with a gradual expansion of the inner column from the side of the reed; much used is also the perfectly cylindrical shape.

The aboriginal music is defined here as that of the people aborigines of Australia excluding other aboriginal peoples in other continents. Despite the strong influence on their Anglo-Saxon societies, they have preserved musical traditions, known worldwide today (at least on the surface) through the practice of the didgeridoo, a primitive instrument favored by a fringe of Western youth. The music has no existence apart from the ritual or ceremony that accompanies or rhythm.

The Australian Aborigines have retained many ancestral chants and developed very specific instruments. The music is associated with the dream time the focus of the Aboriginal culture. The yidaki or didgeridoo is considered the most representative instrument of the Aborigines and some argue that it is the oldest wind instruments. However, only the Aborigines of Arnhem Land in play like Yolngu. In addition, only men could play it.

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