Crash Bandicoot 5 / Toys For Bob: Your Questions Answered!

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Secrecy in the games industry is just an excuse for the rich and powerful publishers and directors to inflict cruelty and agony upon developers and artists with zero accountability


I think I’ve already said this before but if a crossover concept like this is ever revisited again, I think I’d just prefer it to be called “Crash X Spyro” and not just “Crash 5” so it feels more like a legit crossover.


Just want to say how brilliant both videos were. Revealed the answers to a lot of questions I had about the conditions both Remasters were created under, and how seriously underhanded Activision has been through the whole process. I've seen the way people have talked to you or tried to cover themselves, conversations that filtered through to me and painted an unfair picture of your work purely because people were weirdly desperate to be loyal to a brand rather than to the teams behind them. In the end the truth will always come out and I'll continue sharing both videos where possible.

I also absolutely cannot blame them for wanting to blend Spyro 4 and Crash 5. When an axe is hanging over you and the promise of getting to create new titles or even keeping your job is at risk, of course you're going to want to try to say everything you can in one project before the opportunity goes away. People who don't get that still don't realise quite how enthusiastic this particular team was, or why their games feel so refreshingly different to a lot of what came before. Sad that we'll never see their Crash 5, but I hope they're able to continue creating on their own terms from now on.

Please keep doing what you're doing. Still remember you getting the Rayman 4 info out there and the knock on effect that had!


It's a good thing that Toys for Bob is now independent and can pursue projects it wants to with zero micromanaging from Activision. Creativity thrives when artists can be free to explore their ideas, fleshing out of concepts, and journeying through captivating stories.

Personally, I'd like to see a Spyro 4 that is Spyro exclusive, and then a game that resembles the Crash/Spyro crossover discussed here.


Canadianguyeh getting roasted is a sight to behold.


Very interested in the CGE debunking video idea. I was initially a fan of the dude, but after a while began to recognize how clickbait-y he'd become, CONSTANTLY reassuring everyone a new game was on the way with zero evidence.

It's interesting to hear that you took issue with how he's decided to respond to criticism, because that's my other big issue with him. Every time he gets push-back or criticism, he cries out "Well exCUSE me for trying to give this fandom some hope!". If you want to be a hopeful, speculating fanboy, fine. If you want to be an honest pseudo-gaming journalist, fine. But those two things should not co-exist. The fact that he's one of the biggest voices in the community also means his fans will dogpile anyone who calls out his behavior, turning a large portion of the fandom into a toxic cesspool of people that feel entitled to the game he assured them is 100% for sure coming.


It's like a curse was put on Crash after Naughty Dog lost the rights


Love the work you put into your videos, always so informative and super interesting. It's really sad how Activision treated TFB and VV and how they could've had huge successes in their hands, especially with how Astro Bot has blown up.


Activision Blizzard really squandered VV and TFB’s talents and didn’t give them the chances they deserved to shine


As exciting as an official Crash and Spyro crossover has always been to me, it is disappointing that there was never even a desire to do a Spyro 4 and instead that Crash 5 would be their Spyro 4. Ever since Reignited released, Spyro has only ever appeared as a cameo or side character in Crash projects. DLC racer for Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled, cameos and nods in Crash 4, DLC character for Crash Team Rumble, and now apparently he would've been at best playable in Crash 5 and at worst a sort of powerup for Crash throughout the game. I get the intention you brought up of combining their experiences on Reignited and Crash 4, but if it was meant to be a true combo, why was it called "Crash 5" and not something like "Crash and Spyro?"

But I'm rambling. At the end of the day, TFB is an amazing studio with killer artistic vision, and I'm so happy for them going independent from Activision. I'm hoping they find a ton of success with whatever future game they release.


I wouldn't be surprised if part of the Elora redesign also stemmed from the fact that she didn't have to _move_ all that much in the Reignited trilogy, outside of fully scripted scenes, whereas Spyro was playable and Ripto had a whole suite of boss fight animations on top of his cinematic rigs. She might just not have had the necessary parts to be ported over as directly as the other two, meaning a new model had to be made, meaning there was more room for a bit of creative liberty being taken along the way.


I’m so glad thanks to this being all out in the open that we can be just DONE with constant speculation that goes nowhere.

Having a fanbase to constantly speculate and talk about a new game simply did no favors for itself when it was all they did. Especially when it made fans extra bitter, myself included. Thank you.


Love the dedication to talking about these hidden projects. I always learn so much thank you for the Q&A, wasn’t expecting any followup on these


Canadian guy eh puts a BAD NAME ON US CANADIANS!


I just hope Microsoft doesn't just stuff Crash and Spyro into the same storage closet that Banjo Kazooie also reside in so they can forget about them, I want Crash and Spyro to flourish again ._.


I still want an open world Spyro 4 and an open world Crash Spyro crossover instead tbh.


Finally, CGE is getting called out, bless!


I hope Liam's mental health does get better. Because one thing is being exposed to the horrors of corporate culture and how it breaks dreams and people, the other one is being called crazy or a liar because a company like Activision did something that defies belief so hard that people could not fathom it being true, did happen.


Great video, thank you very much for answering my question!


At to this point i don't care about the Crash & Spyro crossover anymore (i liked the first idea anyways). I just want to see Crash Bandicoot back in action once again soon and not wait another ten years for that.
