Florida Gardening within an HOA? NO Problem!

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Check out this very productive Urban Garden in the middle of Orlando Florida.

Jerra has a collection of fruit trees, heirloom vegetables, perennial edibles, house plants & more. In this video she speaks on an array of gardening techniques including permaculture practices, organic cottage gardening & container gardening.

and feeding the pollinators.. 🦋
Jerra’s seed shop and more! ⤵️

- igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=



⬇️ Check out some of our other videos! ⬇️

• Central FL Food Forest “25 Edible Greens”

• Central FL “What to grow, when to grow it”

• St. Pete “ The Urban Homestead”:

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I have heard some horror stories about HOA making life difficult for some homeowners when it comes to gardening. I am north of Tampa and have my vegetables in the back garden and everything else is flowers or shrubs. No HOA and no grass. I get lots of compliments from neighbors and others because my garden is really nice. My lot is small but very productive and I have managed to keep most of my vegetables growing year round, zone 9b, with lots of free compost from the community mulch pile. It's heavy and dirty bringing the compost home but last year I covered my native sand with five to eight inches of black compost and it really helped. Now if we just had some rain!


This lady is lovely, beautiful, and knowledgeable, a blessing from God.


Thank you for sharing this! Sharing some notes I took.
*Grumichama [Edible “Ornamental”]
*Butterfly Pea [Perennial] [Medicinal]
*Tromboncino rampicante [Heavy producer]
*Brogdan Avocado

Pest Control & Pollenation:
*Nasturtium is an easy-to-grow annual. Nasturium is an easy-to-grow, warm-season annual (perennial in zones 9 -11) with distinctive leaves and brightly colored flowers. Trap crop for aphids
*African Blue Basil [perennial shrub]
*Everglade Tomatos

Mulch in place:
Sunflower [Harvest seeds]
Mexican Sunflower

Covercrops [Living Mulch]:
- Companion plant herbs/flowers [cut out “weeds”]
*Cuban Oregano [Herb]
*Longevity Spinach [perennial]
*Okinawa Spinach [perennial]


Beautiful garden!! I’m also an Orlando backyard HOA gardener in East Orlando. I love that you mention familiar nurseries 🥰.


I’m back for another update of your beautiful garden. It’s amazing to see the changes in your plants over time. I look forward to watching your garden grow! I love watching my garden grow a little each day, that is my favorite part of gardening. It’s so fun to have the growth documented over the season to look back at and see progress. I love that about being a garden YouTuber. Let’s learn & grow more together!


I just found your channel, So excited to find varieties of plants for our hot climate. Thank you for your hard work and in-depth explanation


I live in south Florida and in a HOA too. I have a small backyard but my front yard is pretty decent. I have 30 fruit trees although some are in pots plus some vegetables and lots of flowers for the bees 🐝


Love hearing about your garden. Makes me want to expand my small kitchen garden.


Just started growing fruit trees in north tampa, got 4 grafted mangos & 2 grafted avocado. Not counting my mother non-grafted 35ft avocado & mango tree, wish I can cut them but I'll grafted them next year. Got 2 plum trees, 1 golden delicious apple tree, 1 lapins cherry tree, 4 improved Meyers lemon, 4 types of citrus oranges dwarf, 1 peach tree, 2 types of dragon fruit, cane sugar, banana, 2 wonderful pomegranate, 2 Barbados cherry tree


Interesting, what you say will not grow here in Orlando, has grown for me. I've had success with Broccoli, collards & tomatoes throughout the summer. You have a very nice, well-organized garden. You are the third person I've listened to who said I can plant my fruit trees close together. Great! I will take my pink grapefruit & lemon out of the container and put them in the ground. I put my sugar apple in-ground and it is doing so much better. I had to cut down my 2 Moringa trees; they were at least 12 ft. tall. I planted them in my swale. They were growing slanted toward my fence & fire pit. Hurricane Ian made it worse. My soil is pure sand. One is already growing back. I decided to keep it manageable around 6-8 feet. I learned a lot from your video, thanks!


you’re killing it!!!! absolute beauty and abundance all around you. thank you sistren!


Herbs like rosemary would do well in the front and look appealing to the HOA


I found you on tik Tok recently! Was fun to see a full tour of your garden


I enjoy her ticktock’s. This was a treat to see a video!


Thanks for the tour. This video has a lot of info. Can you update your vid description when you get a chance to drop the names of some of these for noobs like me? :) I am inspired! I’ve been in my home almost 3 years but haven’t planted much because I’m not great at keeping up with it! My husband has been cultivating our pineapple tops for years so we have a few of those in pots.


So my best friend moved there and it's hard but she has a long garden do to her black mesh cloth canopy. She can higher it to lower it . Right now she's like me rehydrating every day and getting our jars full. She's making some money on her Herbs she dehydrated and bag's she's saling to grower's markets on fresh veggies, I'm so excited for her and being a ER Dr there from Oregon. Food saves lives and not everyone can grow I enjoy you know so much, I'm in Oregon and have many banana tree's, pineapple plants, I just planted 12 Pineapple Guava Shrubs yum, eat the flower fruit and make tea from the leaf. I can't grow mangoes but she ship's them to me. At this stage of food problems I ship her anything to try over there. As for me trying. I can't believe how much you know your very special so keep it going people don't have what you do about plants.


I congratulate you for your garden. I live in Kissimmee and have my own backyard garden in an Hoa. Glad to find un “alma gamela”


thank you for the very informative video. I have been trying to grow vegetables in central Florida mostly unsuccessful. this video answers many questions.


That’s string bean the short one, and long bean are green purple or red, you can cook them (stir fry) 👍👍, love your garden 👍👍❤️❤️


Happy to find another Florida garden AND HOA! 💕 south Florida though
