SCOG Virtual Lecture Series - Kikuë Tachibana (MPI Biochemistry, Munich)

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"Insights into the emergence of 3D genome architecture at the start of life by single-nucleus Hi-C"

Kikue Tachibana is an Austrian-Japanese scientist who was educated in Austria, Japan and the UK. She studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge University and stayed on for her PhD to study DNA replication in the laboratory of Ron Laskey at the MRC Cancer Cell Unit. Kikue joined the laboratory of Kim Nasmyth at Oxford University to investigate sister chromatid cohesion in mouse oocytes. She started her own research program on zygotic reprogramming as a junior group leader in 2011 at the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. Kikue is an MBO member since 2018. She was awarded the Walther Fleming Award of the German Society of Cell Biology and the City of Vienna Prize. Kikue was appointed as a Max Planck Director in 2019 and is establishing a Department of Totipotency at the MPI of Biochemistry, Martinsried.

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