The Importance of Seed Saving | HOW TO Save Seeds for New Gardeners

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My 25 year old son recently moved out. He came home last week to go through my seeds.
I am always so proud of him, but th his especially warmed my heart. I was glad I had saved so many.


I love that I always feel like I’m sitting with one of my girlfriends and having a chat when I watch you. You just feel comfortable and I mean that in the best way. Sending love and hugs 🤗 to y’all.


I just really want to say to you guys at roots and refuge farms, as well as the other people making these types of helpful videos for first time growers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. In a time of uncertainty you have given me the wisdom and confidence to start my own garden and grow my own food. And the relief i feel to have this type of knowlege at my fingertips is worth its weight in gold. I wish i could say something more powerful than thank you honestly. Because you have given me what i need to take care of my family and myself. And what an incredibly kind and generous gift to offer. Thank you so much. Bless you.


For those who are more book-oriented: I highly suggest a book called The Complete Guide to Saving Seeds by Robert E. Gough. Lots of illustrations and 'teach me like I'm 5' guides on seed saving that can answer questions specific to the plants you may have questions for.


I'm about to plant my first real garden. I've been thinking about saving seed and this was the most gentle, easy to understand and encouraging video. Thank you!!


My husband looked at me like I was a crazy person for being a seed hoarder last year. I would have brown paper bags all over the place with random flowers that had gone to seed drying out in them. I even had a couple of overripe yellow squash hanging out until I could get time to process them. This year he's grateful for the stockpile. I love the different variables with growing hybrids and I love hybrid vigor. There are also heirlooms that are bullet-proof that I wouldn't hybridize. This is great info!


My children are all hybrids and I love them all 😂


I watched your past seed saving video and I didn't believe it would work. So, I saved the seeds from 2 or 3 cherry tomatoes my husband grew in the backyard last year. This year, I have planted 10 seeds in little growing containers and 8 out of 10 have sprouted and look great. I am so ready for warmer weather, so I can put them outside. So proud of myself. Thank you for showing me this! I have learned a lot.


I love your voice Jess.

This morning I was thinking about getting a nose ring, and I was like wait a minute, I've never wanted a nose ring, why do I want one now? Then I realized you have one 😂

I have always had an interest in gardening, and haven't because I've been in college. I love that you say turn your waiting room into your class room.

This year, I'll be using my balcony as the trellis for beans and peas, and hopefully tomato


Great explanation, Jess! An idea: I recycle the paper envelopes my bills come in for seed packets because I naturally open them on the short end anyway. I cut them uniformly but leave enough extra to fold over. Plastic windows are fun and seed catalog photos can be taped on.


Great video! Thank you so much for joining the collab, Jess!


Hi Jess. I like how you explain whatever you're talking about in details we all can understand! Thanks for your heart and sharing your gift of Gardening with us! Bless you and your sweet family and farm!!


I’m a flower gardener but watch all your videos. This information was explained throughly and easy to understand. Thanks g rest job!


I saved some sweet potato squash seeds from last year and it was the very first time I ever thought about being able to save seeds thanks to you! I had never thought about saving the seeds and it was my first attempt and it was successful. They are coming up this year! I want to thank you for even making that a possibility for me! It had never crossed my mind to save seeds from the plant or fruit. This year I will be saving everything I possibly can!


I’m a hobby gardener and new to your channel... just wanted to say thank you! This information was sooo incredibly helpful and your ability to translate all the knowledge you have into something us newer gardeners can understand, is so appreciated! Please keep sharing all your tips and tricks with us. You’ve inspired me to save seeds for the first time, and plant my first okra (I live outside Philadelphia... so that one might be a bit of a challenge but I’m going to give it a try!). Thanks for the escape!!


Thank you so much for making this video, I love saving seeds and run around every year with mini ziplocks saving all kinds of things wild flowers included. This was a most welcome break from the constant bad news, thank you for being a bright spot in the dark!


My husband and I bought our tiny farm in southwest Missouri (almost 2 acres) the end of December and moved in February. (Prior owners were amish so no electric but we have it now.) I am so thankful that we ordered our seeds in December from Baker Creek in anticipation of having a garden this spring. We also ordered plants from Stark Bro's. We do plan on saving seeds for the future. Thank you for the helpful info!!


Your videos are really helping me right now stay grounded There is something very calming about your voice And even though things are scary right now my plants are growing, the sky is blue and the sun is shining💚💙💛


My 8 year old grandson calls you his garden teacher now.he loves to help me, but now he's really loving it because his "teacher" said (insert garden fact)..!! Thanks for all you do🍅


I would love to see a video of how you save your seeds. Like the process you go through with different types of plants for saving their seeds.
