Catholic/Protestant Debate - Mr. Jimmy Akin and Dr. James White - Night 2

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How to find peace with God
April 25, 2024
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Mr. White helped lead me to the Catholic Church in 2004.


Jimmy I couldn’t be more proud of you and your amazing presentation/ debate. Thank you for defending our ONE and ONLY TRUE CHURCH ⛪️ our Christian Catholic. May God bless you and our holy mother Mary pray for you to her son.


Praised be Jesus Christ for the gift of Jimmy Akin, a humble and learned gentleman. Pax


Jimmy Akin also crushed and i mean DEMOLISHED bart Erhman in their debate on gospel reliability. He also played with “other paul” like a cat with string in their sola scriptura debate. The man is incredible and was the very first catholic i ever spoke to. I called into catholic answers to find out what they believed paul was talking about when it came to “taking the eucharist unworthily” i was still Protestant then and going to a methodist church. After the oyster crackers and grape juice at service one day i went home and was flipping through scripture and landed on that passage. I thought “was i worthy to take communion today? Was everyone in church today worthy as well?” Then i thought “how would you know?” I had already been investigating Catholicism for a time but still attended a methodist church. I decided to call in to catholic answers for the first time. Jimmy had me going back to the scripture and examining everything about the eucharist. Then what the fathers said etc… i was confirmed a year later.


The questions from Akin forced White to basically admit his hatred for Catholics outweighs his love for the truth.


I've been recommended by a Protestant pastor to listen to James White. Well here I am and I'm thoroughly unimpressed. He seems uncharitable, arrogant, and deliberately obtuse through many portions of his debates.

Regardless of the intellectual content of the debate, Jimmy more broadly embodies the type of person I'd want to associate with.


As a protestant, Jimmy did exceedingly better than I could have expected. Also, love the hat and beard!!


James White is not a dummy, but was pivotal in my decision to become Catholic. Tonight he continues with that tradition.


Great Job Jimmy Akin👍 As always clarity thru charity 🙏🇻🇦✝️


Mr. Akin did a great job and understood both his side and his opponent’s.


The more i learn about history, the more i love being Catholic.


I like that the editor edited out the dead air whenever someone goes up to the podium. It made the video have better pacing.


Question to James White: "Do you agree that 2+2=4?"
James White: "Yes"
Question to James White: "Do you agree that to arrive at the number 4 from adding two numbers together, that a *calculation* must have taken place?"
James White: "No"


James White really seems like the type of Christian that turns people off of Christianity. He comes across as unpleasant, uncharitable, and evasive.

I have questions about some of the doctrines of Catholicism. But, there is no doubt that Jimmy Akin is a far better ambassador for faith in Christ.

It's not even close.


So beautiful to listen to Jimmy Aiken calmly and persuasively refute each and every trope and reasonable challenge by JW.


The fact that James White's channel of Aplha and Omega Ministries has comments turned off on all his videos, while Jimmy Akin's YouTube channel allows comments, is all you need to know.

One of these individuals isn't afraid to defend the truth. The other is afraid to face the truth. I'll let those who read this decide for themselves who those individuals are.


I know we aren't suppose to judge as Christians, but as a Protestant I have to say that Jimmy Akin won this debate by using both scripture and history to back up his claims. It looks like reading through the comment section that seems to be the consensus. I am definitely more intrigued by Catholicism now more than before... I think there's certain so called "truths" that have been ingrained in all of us, but until you're willing to listen to the 'horses mouth' from the other side (not just accept what others have told you to confirm our preconceived notions), then you're not really open to the fullness of truth. (This can be applied to all traditions of faith).... My two cents.


May God bless you with wisdom, understanding and knowledge Akin..


Jimmy's cross-examination of James was BRUTAL. I kept looking around for a referee to stop the fight.


It is interesting to note that the first reading for Sunday is in Acts 9, the Church is at peace when we walk with God. And we walk with God when we do what Jesus instructs us to do.

All I came away with from Mr White is "I hate the Church". What I got from Mr Akin was "Repent, Believe, be baptised; and when I sin later, Repent, Believe and get forgiven." Sounds like walking with God and being at peace with God to me.
