Stir It Up | Joel Osteen

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Have you abandoned a dream or promise because it looked like it was over? Just because you don’t see anything changing doesn’t mean that flame is gone. There are embers still alive beneath those ashes. You have to do your part and stir them up again. Stir up the dreams, the talents, the expectancy. God is still going to finish what He started!

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Sir, I have been in church most of my life, no one has ever spoken the word of God like you, I enjoy growing daily because you preach what faith is truly about and that our God is a loving God. Thank you for stirring up my faith! I now dream the impossible and and totally trust in the word of our Heavenly Father.


My life has not remained the same ever since i started listening to your preaching, be blessed


Thank God for Joel's obedience. His words are usually the only positive ones I hear.


I have listened to your services over the years, but recently I started going through the FIRE. I’m a firm believer of Growing Through What You Go Through, & EVERYTHING Happens for a REASON! Your services over the past month has been an absolute saving grace. I subscribed to your channel and when I need to know what I should learn for the day I simply go to my Home Screen, ask GOD to guide me, and swipe down to refresh my page. I am blessed with the Word of GOD from you and your presentation is spot on for what I need to hear. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! GOD BLESS YOU & YOUR FAMILY! Your services have truly saved my life to change for the better to become a better husband, father, and forgiving person! By the way my name is David and you seem to speak about David in just about every service. It is as if you are speaking directly to me!


I don't have a man or money or permanent job but by faith I pray, I Declare, I believe, am going to get married soon, have my own business, travel the world and spreading testimonies this year. This comment should be remembered


First Time In My life Asking someone To pray😭
Brothers And Sisters, Please pray for my spiritual Life.😭😭😭😭
I'm a sinner😭😭😭


Pastor Joel, I have been listening to you for years, and have enjoyed every minute of it. Sometimes I find myself quoting things you have said or just say Pastor Joel said. Thank you for ALL your encouraging words, they mean a lot and do fall on good ground..


I turn Joel on EVERY DAY!!! and I'm stirred up in prayer from the motivation he encourages us all to have in Our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST


This came when I just needed it, , I felt empty, ,, Like my life is filled with dry bones, , But The word is Sharper than two edged sword it pierces my Soul, , and am gonna Stir Up...💪💪💪💪


I Have Been In Depression For A Week Now I'm Preying Crying Out To Call I Wake Up With Tears I Lost Everything I Had I Was Disobey And I Have Been Asking God For Healing I No He Still Here With Me I Pray When Things Are Good Are Bad This Have Been A Test For Me He Me Prey Pray Warrior's


Thank you Lord for speaking to me . Thank you Lord for reminding me what I have forgotten . From now on I will believe only in the Promises and gifts which my God had given me and stir up all the talents which My God had given me .
In Jesus Name Amen


Enjoy listing to the sermon, it's very encouraging. If we follow the words of God we can see the beautiful things he has in store for us.


You took Words Right out of My Mouth. 33 Years Old. Trying to find a New Life, While Leaving Old one Behind. While Being Sober from Alcohol at Same time. Hate my Past, But Know I'm Loving My Future. Thanks Joel, Needed this message. Vulnerable Times.


This message is so timely for my season. Thank you


This sermon was the answer to my prayer before I even voiced The Prayer. Thank you Jesus💙🙏


thank you for reminding me that I'm a child of God, everything will be alright, i just need to stir up what's inside my heart 😊


My fire is still burning new levels are coming my way Thankyou God for my dream is coming to come.


Amen! Oh God lift me up and strengthen me to stir the embers of my flame. I will shine again in Jesus name.


I am desperate to get out of this diseased mind and bad thoughts I need to find God again thank you Joel for your words… life don’t seem as Complicated when I listen to you


I always cry everytime I hear God speak to my heart through Ptr. Joel.