Naihanchi Shodan Tutorial

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Naihanchi Shodan is our first Kata. It focuses on a linear plain while staying in a horse stance. Teaching you how to express your power in a whip-like manner generating the power through your legs, rotating through the waste, and expressed through the arms and hands.
This Kata teaches limb control, close-quarter tactics, and balance disruption. If you were to only know one Kata inside and out this would be an excellent one to study!

Instagram @Keitenrenbu

0:00 Intro
0:17 Footwork
2:01 Opening Sequence
2:31 First Elbow Strike Low Block to Stacked Hands
3:26 Double Block to Back Fist
4:06 Returning Wave Kick too Double Strike
5:20 Second Part of the Kata Same as the first
5:57 Kata Demonstration
7:00 Outro

#Naihanchshodan #karate, #shotokan, #karateshotokan, #shotokankarate, #karatesensei, #karatetutorial, #karatehowto, #karatenerd #karatejapan #japanesekarate #kumite #karatekid #kata #karatenearme #karatebelts #naihanchikata #karatejapan #karatejapanese #kata #karatekata #martialarts #martialartskata #heian #katatutorialnaihanchitutorial #Naihanchishodantutorial #Okinawankempo #Okinawankarate
Рекомендации по теме

I was looking at your Kata and saying why does this not look very different than the Naihanchi Shodan that I have been practicing for 30+ years. I went to your webpage and saw we both come from the Shigeru Nakamura Ryukyu (Okinawan) Kempo Lineage ( my schools is through Taika Seiyu Oyata one of Nakamura Sensei's Senior Students)


Hmm 🤔 ich glaube du machst es Spiegel Verkehrt .. sorry Englisch is not good ..
