RETAIL THERAPY HAUL - WINNERS/MARSHALLS - Saying goodbye to nursing 🏥 - Martha Stewart candle found!

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September 30th is my official retirement date but went to hospital today to return my ID, transponder etc. Very strange feeling but 110% happy with my decision.
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I retired 3 years ago from a 43 year career in nursing at the same hospital. You will find you will be busy. My days are usually filled and I cannot figure out how I ever worked and kept up with everything else. Congrats and thank you for your years of service.


Hi Heidi! Congrats on your retirement. I can only imagine how emotional you got as this is where you worked for so many years and the people you worked with become your work family. I’m sure you will drop in every now and then just to keep up with how they are doing. I would like to Thank you as a frontline and healthcare worker and all the years you gave to help people. Especially with the pandemic. Your candle purchase looked great! Who knew that Martha Stewart had a candle line. You are like me, I buy a coffee cup/mug every time I go to Winners or Homesense lol I hope you have a wonderful week! Take care! 🤗💛


❤️❤️congratulations on this milestone. Better things to come thanks for your service 🙏 blessings!!


I retired from nursing, many years ago, probably the best decision I ever made. Enjoy your well deserved retirement, now you can do more, candle reviews, enjoy the autumn weather, do more hiking, ect.. take care.


Congratulations on your retirement!!!! 🥳 thank you for all your time as a nurse. I hope you enjoy your retirement days 🥰


Heidi congratulations on your retirement!!!! I felt the same on my last day - handing in the ID was so bizarre - and I bawled like a baby in the car. Glad you did some retail therapy and I definitely bought tons of "retirement wax" last year. I hope you will enjoy retirement, and yes it is an adjustment so just take it as it comes! You are interested in so many things and I can't see you sitting still - it will all work out beautifully. Again congratulations, and great haul!!! I love the hat - I always wear hats when we walk. Big hug to you my friend! 🎉🎉🎉❤️🤗🥰


Hi Heidi, Congratulations on your retirement. What a huge day for you and a big change of pace. A new chapter is starting for you. I can see why you were super emotional. Forty Years is a huge amount of time to devote to a profession especially now a day. Thank you for all that you have done for the hospital and patients you attended over the years. I am sure your work collogues will miss you dearly. Love your haul. I love retail therapy even it I don't buy anything, I love to look at the trends and the different items that are out for the seasons. Some of our Homesense are getting in Christmas Items already. I can't even keep up to the fall ones let alone another season....LOL Take care and Enjoy Your Retirement. Hugs to the girls xoxox


Congratulations on your retirement, Heidi! Thank you for sharing all of this with us. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. 🥰🍁🍂


So happy for you on your upcoming retirement - books, hiking, and much fun are to be had! You will find that one can easily fill up the time of day!!


Congratulations.on your nursing retirement ! You bought some nice treats, love your homesense and winners hauls.You give me great ideas.All the best..Enjoy 😊💗


Congrats on your retirement Heidi! More time for reading, wax melting, candle burning and hiking! Oh and shopping! 🤣


Happy Retirement Heidi! So happy for you!


Congratulations on your retirement! I am jealous ! I love watching your videos. You always make me laugh. My daughter goes to Western so I am familiar with London. And the London Homesense, Winners and Marshalls always seem to have much more than our stores here in Barrie!


Great haul! I am so happy for your retirement you deserve it Heidi! I found a Martha Stewart candle once at home goods that smelled just like real basil I think I still have it lol. TFS Doll! 🌹❤️


Best to you! Glad to hear more hiking and melting videos. ( no pressure )😁


AWWW Heidi- I knew you would be a bit emo! You can always volunteer once a week or 2!!! I can't believe you didn't tell anyone- sneaky!!! I'm sure they would have given you a helluva retirement party! You deserve a nice restful retirement era. <3 "We know- size counts!" :D I have an addiction to candles & mugs TOO!!!! AND I don't care LOL. Love the ones you chose. I love the hat!!! Congrats on retirement & MY hat is off to you for your many many years of selfless service to all your patients, co-workers, bosses, underlings, etc etc. LOVE you <3


Congratulations on your retirement, Heidi! Now you have all the time in the world to..*ahem* shop😂 I mean hike, read, craft, and burn candles to your hearts content! Thanks for sharing with us:)


Happy retirement Heidi. It can be bittersweet but its good that you know you made the right decision.


Congratulations on your retirement Heidi! Great haul!🍁🍂🌻


Happy Retirement Heidi ! More time for hikes with the puppies 🐶
