9 Compelling Signs You Are Guided By Archangel Metatron!

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Archangel Metatron or ‘The Angel Of Life’ is a powerful angel who teaches you how to harness your spiritual power for good. As Archangel Metatron was once human, his experience on Earth gives him the ability to connect with your struggles and share his enlightened wisdom with you.

His Divine spirit is so immense that it’s you subconsciously accept his guidance without even realizing it......have you felt his presence? Discover the 9 signs that Metatron is guiding you, right now!

About Hayden Crawford

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1. Bright lights & using Metatron Cube to remove stuck or negative energy
2. Thoughts are elevated
3. Unusual aroma around you
4. Geometric patterns
5. Heightened awareness & akashic records
6. Sensation at Crown chakra; Impulses and synchronicity;
7. Intuition
8. Fears disappear
9. Number sequences 11:11


I experienced complete silence after asking him "What do I need to know right now?" but I I continued asking with my eyes closed far after this video went off and eventually sunk into a deep trance like meditation. There was more silence and just when I thought I was dozing off to sleep I heard a very distinct ringing in my ears. My hand got very hot and heavy and I felt an orb like rotation/pulsing in them. The top of my head started to tingle as well but the rest of my body was numb and still. I remained calm and accepted this and next thing you know I was flooded with information about healing, moving forward, mindsets, ascension, creative ideas etc. A LOT OF INFORMATION! This was a very interesting experience as I've never had one like it!


He came to in my dream last night with a beautiful rainbow aura and said “union energies are here” & “I am here to help” 🙏


When I started learning how to access/read the Akashic Records (11 years ago), I began experiencing "crown chakra tingles, " which I attributed to Archangel Metatron. I still experience these "tingles" to this day (I did when you mentioned them in the video).
I also see 11:11 quite often, and I say "hello" to Metatron every time.
Another experience involved Metatron coming to talk with me in a dream. I was so excited to have talked with Metatron, I woke up suddenly and said his name aloud. I looked at the clock, and saw that it was 4:44 am.


When I place my hands out to receive, Metatron places an energy cube/orb in each hand and the energy spins, working deeply into my being. I can feel the spinning motion, the healing...I also get a ringing in my ears when He is near.


I did your mediation just now, and clear as a bell, the message was "live strong in your service to others and do not worry about the rest." And then I was suddenly overcome with tears. Thank you. ♥


This explains why, as a child, I would always see geometric patterns in the ether. I had memories of being from "up there" as a child (how my mind explained it) - I'd look up at the stars and "miss home" I also remember having "chills in the top of my brain" as a kid and couldn't describe it to my parents.


Last night when I was meditating I saw a spinning cube and didn’t know what it meant. Thank you for helping me understand the symbolism of Metatron, tying it together with why I’ve been seeing violet and light green and why the top of my head tingles when I’m deep in prayer. It’s energizing to learn about the vast array of ways God’s messages are delivered and received.


Im massage therapist and while working with a particular clent, about the 3rd session, he's in massage room, facing him, before I began to ask his massage goals for this session, I noticed an amazing energy within but it felt like it was his "signature" or like i got a glempse of him from beyond the physical. I noticed All of him in that moment. And i saw & felt a shape, i guess in my minds eye, of this 🔽shape. I felt it in my body start from top of my thigh to my shoulders or chest. It was amazing. Ive never been in a place to tell him this. It was in Autumn 2018.


I’ve noticed that after a “rough patch” that’s created strength and growth and change once there’s “calm” again he sends a metatron cube into visual sight right before a spiritual expansion occurs for me


I asked god which angel should I connect with and kept seeing metratron. Searched it up and it led me to such an amazing discovery. He is helping with the toughest journey in me… healing that angry traumatized child so I can help others with unconditional love without ego. This meditation made me feel loved. Interestiny I subconsciously meditated on fluorite cube. It was cool to know he was a geometric. And now I know why I keep incessantly seeing 11:11 every day.


As soon as Metatron was introduced, my crown and third eye chakra were buzzing with warmth and a bright light came over me. I couldn’t hear or see any messages this time, but I could feel the energy. I’m very new to meditation, but have been practicing on and off for the past two weeks. The difference in how my chakras feel after has really converted me and aided in my ascension journey that I feel my soul and spirit family is trying to help align with for my highest good. I’m so excited to continue and grow this bond with the universe & Metatron. Even now as I’m writing this, I can still feel my crown and third eye chakra buzzing with warmth. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! 💛


I'm just now finding this information. I have interacted with Metatron since I was 5. I never really knew what was happening to me. I was told I was crazy and my parents and family wanted to commit me. So I have been multiple times in my life. The cube was seen as physical mechanism to me. Again until now I had no idea. I have attempted to build the mechanism and strange things have happened. I eventually last year, to be exact, made a self rotating mechanism. Now I have run out of money and have no job. Lost one due to COVID-19 and the last one due to an accidental amputation of 2 finger tips. Middle and ring finger. Now I have stumbled on to this. I have struggled with depression my whole life. Only it's been overwhelming lately. This is so strange to find this now. I'm 35. So overwhelmed.


My initial awakening in 3/2019 metatron was with me he’s been lingering in my forethought for more than 2 years and is inviting me back to his presence thanks for this video all my love


I finally learned who archangel Metatron is. You are phenomenal with your explanation of connecting with him. I lived in Mount Shasta, Ca for five years and saw angels (two with out their wings), and some beings. Over the Christmas Holidays, I was guided out side at night to see, the whole Telos mountain light up in a beautiful pink color I thought that was Mother Mary's message to me but; It might have been archangel Metatron. I will be listening to you again, May your journey thrive in love with lots of abundance. Take care, stay safe.


Thank you Archangel Metatron. Amen 🙏🏼❤️


I did the meditation in the end... I asked the same question and He was silent, instead of answering He just gave me a warm hug. Thank you..


11/11 and life path is 11. Thank you! <3


I have been guided to Metatron for sometime but getting blocked at every hurdle by something. It's been a struggle at times but when things work out I get such a lift. Metatron have helped me a lot by working on my fears.


After doing this beautiful meditation I looked down at my phone and it was 11:11 🙏☀️💖💖💖 Absolutely divine, all love to you all 🥰🥰🥰
