ICYMI: New York Fleet Week

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New York (May, 2023) – U.S. Marines and Sailors aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) man the rails while being escorted into Pier 88 in New York City during the parade of ships.
Girl Scouts with Heart of the Hudson Girl Scout Troop #2480 tour the Amphibious Assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) as part of Girl Scouts’ Operation Cookie Drop-off.
U.S. Marines and Sailors assigned to Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force - New York, walk guests through the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) during a guided tour demonstrating U.S. Marines and Sailors’ capabilities.
Members of the Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon participate in a morning performance at Ground Zero.
U.S. Marines and Navy helicopter pilots assigned to Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force - New York display their aircrafts and engage with locals at Eisenhower Park. During FWNY 2023, more than 3,000 service members from the Marine Corps, Navy and Coast Guard and our NATO allies from Great Britain, Italy and Canada are engaging in special events throughout New York City and the surrounding Tri-State Region, showcasing the latest capabilities of today’s maritime services and connecting with citizens. These events include free public ship tours, military static displays, and live band performances and parades. (U.S. Marine Corps video by Lance Cpl. Cameron Ross, Pfc. Enos Jimenez)

#usnavy #usmarines #nyfw #nyfw23 #usswasp
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Go My Beautiful US Navy Members!!!!🤗🥰😊🙏❤🤍💙🇺🇲💪🏻👍


I was stationed on USS Wasp 2000-03...OI Div.


Hi friends! Children in your country are very polite! They come to my country to play, and I see her shoelaces are loose! I have reminded her, she knows my reminder! Then she tied the shoelaces and said "thank you" to me! At that time, I heard her say thank you, I was very happy! at last! I hope your people can communicate with our people often! Thanks!


Dont forget our jarheads!! Go Marines!


a consideration (for some time looking into the future): Soldiers at least or soldier type warriors, could have longer sarcomer somewhat maybe a little amount or so, plus some additional extra nerve impulse as well.
But, this way since they have to be human their underjoint armour wouldn't increase in thickness, so the sufficient weapons for such would defeat those parts easier.


an interesting fact: There is definitely more strength in cooling compared to heating, when considering more artificial ways.


Peace❤️ and 💚Blessings💙 Too 💛My ❤️Brothers 💚May💙 God💛 Bless💚 Everyone 💙Always💛 May💛 God 💕Bless 💙Everyone 💛Richly ❤️with💙 everything 💛they💛 need 💚Always 💙Much 💙Love💛 Blessings 💚Always ☺️ 🎇 🌈 🌐 💯💛💙💚❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚


May💚 God💛 Be 💙With 💕Everyone 💛Always💙 Much💕 Love❤️ Blessings 💙Always ☺️ 🎇 🌈 🌐 💯💚💚💚💚💚💛💛💛💛💛💛


I do have increased sarcomer length after i have ordered it from my partners/children.. and more recently with one hand i could lift 32 kilograms or more with a comfortable light fasshion. This was with my right arm.


There is a question as well. eventually, how much we would want to live in underground complexes when considering natural life, compared to living on surfaces therefore no supporting pillars on significantly long distances.


There is no reason to have the infantry struggle primarily in such way.. or be some superfighters as well.


Dont Harm the men behind the project Morgul and Maritza LaVey.


so what i am saying, is that more or less with leasure, you can just massslaugther your police, secret police, and various gangsters, and confiscate as well.
Now this one is a women but yeah.
The thing is in 1979, the Alien movie i think it was american even though british produced it, HOWEVER one moment when the alien scared Ripley at the end was just lame (reaching out with hands).
