Birlikte Güçlüyüz // Stronger Together
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Yeşil Valiz Sorumlu Turizm Derneği, kurulduğu 2014 yılından itibaren pek çok harika paydaşla işbirliği yaptı. Birlikte edindiğimiz tüm deneyimler için yürekten teşekkür ediyoruz, beraberce öğrenmek çok güzeldi!
Yesil Valiz Association for Responsible Tourism has been working with several magnificent stakeholders since it was founded in 2014. We would like to give heartfelt thanks for all the experiences we had together, it was great to learn with you!
Yesil Valiz Association for Responsible Tourism has been working with several magnificent stakeholders since it was founded in 2014. We would like to give heartfelt thanks for all the experiences we had together, it was great to learn with you!