Seven of Pentacles in 3 Minutes

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Seven of Pentacles: Rest after a bout of productivity. Reflecting on what one has created or produced. There can be a slight sense of dissatisfaction with this card, revealing either a desire for a greater reward or an understand that while much has been accomplished, there is more to be done. Evaluating the results of your efforts, examining outcomes. Can just simply mean stepping back and letting nature run its course, there is nothing more you can do.
Seven of Pentacles Best Course of Action: Examine what has already been accomplished. Allow yourself a breather before you proceed. Closely examine what outcomes you are satisfied with, not satisfied with, and what could be change in future endeavors. Can be asking you to step back and now allow things to develop organically, there is nothing more you can do. Or if a project has reached completion, stop and reap the rewards! Don’t charge into the next thing without recognizing what has been accomplished.
Seven of Pentacles Reversed: Dissatisfaction with work or the results of your efforts. Unsatisfying outcomes, meager returns even though you put in effort or coming to grips with the fact that you didn’t put in enough effort. A fear that you don’t have enough money, especially in regards to savings or retirement.
Seven of Pentacles Reversed Best Course: It may be time to walk away from an unsatisfying or unproductive experience or relationship. Perhaps it is time to leave your job. Perhaps it is time to stop focusing so much on what is to be gained. Take what you can from a situation and prepare to move on.
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I just left a really toxic work environment and for a year I've been saying "I feel like you're expecting a lot of me without giving much in return"
I was worried because it was stable, but getting 7 reversed, I know it was the right choice. Thanks so much!


I love your channel! Please keep doing what you are doing. You give the best and most concise explanations


Madeleine, lovely Madeleine. Time and time again I call upon your oracle of knowledge to help me understand my own readings. Thank you so much for all that you give and have given. You have great clarity, perception and insight in your descriptions of cards. This allows me to unpick the meaning for my own readings. Bless you, glad I stumbled upon your channel. :)


Hi! Madelyn...Look at this beautiful thing you have produced...Reversed...Walking away from an unproductive project. I sometimes commit so hard to my artistic projects and want to force them to work...when they don't uuuhhhh...I so get this. Thanks!


Plowing through hard work without hesitation without fear.... Thank you for this oracle, Madelyn


Thank you!! I’m working on a lawsuit and worked all day yesterday and it’s time to get it done and send it out. I should be done today.


I love your videos!! Please keep making them! Your channel will grow with time! Thank you so much!!


Thank you for typing up the content in the description! <3


My respect for thoth goes down a notch


I only recently discovered your channel, so excuse this comment being 4 years late! I am doing a trauma reading right now, and I'm trying to understand who/what the source of this traumatic event is. I pulled the seven of pentacles in the place of this question, and I'm struggling to understand what that could mean. Minor arcana cards tend to confuse me, since they require a little more interpretation than the major arcana, so any help you could provide would be much appreciated. <3

The other cards in the reading so far are:
What trauma am I facing now?
- Judgement reversed
When did this trauma occur?
- 4 of Wands
Who/what is the source of the trauma?
- 7 of Pentacles


I love your channel, could you make a video about the 4 suits best course of action, if you want of course ..


There are many errors in the thoth deck but I wouldn't call it a failure


Thoth deck doesn't like me I think
